Slumber Party

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Caroline's View
Elena called me and said that we're staying with Bella for awhile, with Bonnie. We're slumber partying! Yay! She also said that Bella's not doing well and needs some cheering up, so lucky for them, that's what I'm best for!

Bella's View
Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena are coming over and staying at the boarding house with me tonight while Damon and Stefan go hunt Klaus. "Damon, I really don't want you to do this" "I know that, Bella, but you have to understand that I'm doing this to protect you" "Exactly! Your doing this to protect me! You and Stefan could get hurt because of me!" "Bella, we're doing this because we love you and your our friend" "I just... Don't want you getting hurt" "We're gonna be fine, Bella" Stefan said. "What he said"

I had no choice but to let them go when Caroline and them got here. "Just please, be careful" "Bella, we will" "Thank you" I said."I love you" "I love you, too" "Goodbye" "Bye" "Hey, don't cry please, we'll be back before you know it with all our body parts" he said, winking. I chuckled and kissed him, then hugged him for dear life.

When he finally left, I fought back my tears. "They'll be ok, Bella" Elena tried to reassure me, making me break down. Tears start pouring down my face and wouldn't stop no matter what I did. I don't know all of them well, but even if I did, I wouldn't want them to see my weakness.

Caroline's View
She's a mess, wow. I did not expect that. When Elena tried reassuring Bella that Damon and Stefan would be fine, she broke down in tears and couldn't stop. Bonnie, Elena and I all exchanged worried looks afraid for her. So, we go and comfort her and try to make her feel as good as we can.

We all end up getting drunk and dancing around the place. Bella and I end up dancing on their living room table with our drinks up in the air. Bonnie was laughing and taking pictures of us, to remember us having this much fun.

Damon's View
It was hard to leave Bella as worried as she was. But, I knew to protect her, I had to hunt Klaus down and kill him. "She'll be fine, Damon" "I know" "It was just hard leaving her because I know she was really worried and she really wanted to cry" "Once we get back, she'll feel much better... Especially knowing Klaus is dead an-" "But what I we don't kill Klaus, Stefan!?" "What?" "What if we don't kill Klaus? What if i fail her, again?" "Damon, you never failed her, what are you talking about?" "I have failed her, Stefan! Everything I do fails her!" "Thats why you wanted to do this so badly" "I want to finally do something that won't fail her" "Damon, if you failed her all the time, she wouldn't be with you" "That's not true, Stefan" "Yes, it is" "She could be with me because I'm hot" he chuckled.

Bella Swan & Damon Salvatore 😍 Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu