Waking Up

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Bella's View
We laughed and then it was suddenly just...gone.

I open my eyes and am staring at a ceiling. "It's not letting me in her head" "What?" "She kicked me out" "Day...mon" I weakly whisper. "Oh my gosh, Bella!" "Damon" "I love you so much!" "I'm gonna give you two some time" "Stef-Stefan" "Hey, Bella" "Thank you" He smiled at her and walked out. "Bella, I am so sorry" "What? For what?" "Putting u in this situation" "Hey, it's not your fault, Damon" "I'll be right back, ok? I'm gonna go get you some blood" "Ok" "Don't go anywhere" "Ha ha hilarious" I smirked and ran, got her blood bag and ran back to her. "Hey, I got your blood bag" "Thanks" "What's wrong?" "Nothing" "Bella" "Fine, I'm just not hungry right now" "Ok, I'll lay it right here and you can have it whenever you're ready to" "I thought you were going to try and convince me to eat it" "Nope, it's up to you whenever your ready" "What's wrong with you?" "Well, it's up to you, it's your body, I'm giving you a time limit though" "Figures" "I can leave if you want to sleep or whatever" "No, Damon, stay, please" He layed next to me and rubbed his hands in my hair. "You should call your dad" "Did you tell him?!" "No but your not going home today, you should give him a call" "Yeah, yeah your right" "I know" "I'll do it later ok?" "Ok, I'm not rushing you, do it at your own time" "Ok" "Are you tired?" "Yes and no... I'm tired but not tired enough to sleep" "Ok, what do you... Wanna do?" "I wish I could Damon, but I'm to weak" "Ugh why does life have to do this?" "That's a good question" "You should sleep anyway" "Alright" "I love you" "I love you, too... Your gonna be here when I wake up right?" "Probably, if not I'll be downstairs" "I'll try to stay up here" "Thanks" "Your welcome, go to sleep" "You should sleep too" "Nah, I'm good" "Damon, you look like you haven't slept in weeks" "I feel like it but I need to be here for you" "I'll be fine" "Bella, go to sleep" "Ok, ok" I said, giving up.

I'm asleep in no time. Of course, Damon sneaks into my head again. "Peak-a-boo" "Damon" "Hey" "Would you stop getting into my head... It's creepy and weird" "Sh, I don't care, bc I am creepy and I am weird" He said and we laughed. "What's something you've always dreamed about?" "I can show it to you... Your in my head for crying out loud" We laughed.

What I showed him was:
Damon and I are at a fair, I have a huge stuffed animal in my arms. We have smiles on our faces, it's dark, and we get on the ferris wheel. When we reach the top, we have a long kiss. Not to passionate, but not not passionate, if that makes sense.

"That's something you want?" "Yeah, I guess so" "You guess so?" He said, running after me. We were laughing and he catches me and we stare up at the sky. "Can I show you something else that I wish we could have, or that I've dreamed of for us?" "Sure, of course"

Bella Swan & Damon Salvatore 😍 Where stories live. Discover now