You Like Elena Still

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Bella's View
As soon as I closed the door, he pushed me against it, slamming his lips against mine. He kissed me hard and fast. "Damon, look-" "You... don't want me anymore do you? You like Stefan, it's always Stefan! He gets everyone! He got Katherine, he got Elena and now he got you I thought you were different Bella" "What? How can you say that right now?! I have NO feelings for STEFAN ok?! I would never chose him over you, and the fact that you think I would... You know what, I have hung on to everything for you Damon, even in my darkest times I've hung on, for you, not me, I could care less about me! But I care about you, Damon! I'm gonna go, because I just can't even do this anymore" "Do what?" "You like Elena, don't you?" "No" "You like Elena, don't you, Damon?" I said, hurt. "That's what I thought, I can see it in your eyes when you look at her, and you just said that Stefan got her. Bet you didn't think I would catch that did you?" I said, calmly and hurt, tears streaming down my face. I turn around and walk out the door. "Bella" I ran when he said my name.

Balling my eyes out, the fight is replaying in my head, over and over again. So, I head to the only place I know I can go.

When I knock on the door, her smile faded and I was immediately asked, "What happened Bella? What's going on?" "He- I- Caroline, I can't do it anymore" "What do you mean?" "Damon, he... He still likes Elena" "What?" "He still likes her! He's liked her this entire time! I should have seen it! I had a feeling but I just brushed it off because I- I- I love him so much!" "I'm so sorry, Bella" "I thought he was different, that I could trust him and I wouldn't have to worry about anything" "Well, Damon's always been a trouble maker" "But he's a nice guy, except when he lies about having feelings for another girl!" "Wait he lied about it?" "Yeah, I asked him and he said no, and when I asked him again, he didn't say anything and couldn't even look at me" I sobbed into her shoulder. "Oh Bella, I'm so sorry" "He took my virginity!" "Oh, um-" "Sorry" I said, nervously chuckling. She chuckled, too and said, "It's ok, us girls have to stick together, right?" "Yeah, I guess so" "Is he good in bed?" "Mmhmm" she laughed at my reaction and I cried again. "I'm never gonna feel that again!" "Oh, Bella" "It was good while it lasted I guess"
~A few hours later~
Caroline's View
She cried on my shoulder for hours and now she's asleep on the couch. I've decided to call Stefan and ask him what to do. Even though I know he's on that get away thing with Elena I just like really need help. "Hello?" "Stefan?" "Hey, Caroline is everything ok?" "Um, not really" "Why what's going on?" "So, Bella showed up on my doorstep earlier crying her eyes out and continued to cry for hours, I'm honestly worried she's gonna turn off her humanity, and I don't know what to do" "Ok, um, what happened?" "Her and Damon" "What happened with her and Damon?" "I can't tell you" "Why not?" "Because" "Look if they slept together I don't care I already know they do that" "You didn't hear this from either of us, but Damon still has feelings for Elena" "What?" "Look, we can deal with that later, we have a newbie vampire whose possibly on the verge of turning it off" "Yeah, I know, we're on our way back" "I'm sorry I interrupted your vacation get away thing" "It's ok, wasn't that great anyway" "You sure?" "Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can ok?" "Yeah" "Thanks, Stefan" "No problem"

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