She Could Be Dying!

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Bella's View
I'm standing in front of the Boarding house now. "Am I gonna wake up?" "Yeah, your gonna wake up" "Why haven't I waken up yet?" "Because your not wanting to" "What?" "Bella, you should be awake right now, there's nothing stopping you from being awake" "But-" "Wake up, we all miss you and want to talk to you, if I have to stay out of your head I will" "Damon, don't leave me" "Then just wake up" "I'm scared" "Of what?" "I can't go or do anything without getting hurt" "Hey, I'm not gonna let them hurt you or anyone else again" "You keep saying that and then I keep getting hurt" "Bella-" "Stop saying my name like that" "I'm sorry" "It's ok, but, Damon, I don't want to get hurt again" "I'm going to be by your side until you order me away how about that" "Damon, I don't want that, I don't want you to constantly be hanging around me! But, I can't do this!" "Bella, with Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie, Elena, and I all here you'll be ok" "What? I'm not moving in here! What about my dad! He can't handle living on his own!" "He'll be ok" "No, Damon, he won't, I need to go home!" "Wake up, and go home, go see your dad" "Damon! I can't! Why can't I wake up!" "Just calm down, ok?" "NO! Don't tell me what to do! I want my mom, Damon!" "Bella, sh, relax ok, come here" He said and I sank into his hug, relaxing. "There you go, just relax, close your eyes" "I love you, Damon" "I love you, too" "Promise you'll protect me when I wake up" "I promise, it'll be my life mission" "Ok, I'll wake up now" "Promise?" "I promise"

Damon's View
She promised she would wake up, so I got out of her head and waited. "Hey, did you get her to awaken?" "She said she would, in fact she promised!" "No, Damon, you shouldn't go back mad" "I have to get her awake!" "Let me talk to her" "What?" "Your to pissed off, let me do it" "Fine" "Thank you"

Stefan's View
I'm going in Bella's head because she promised Damon she'd wake up but she isn't. He's to pissed off to do it, so I'm doing it myself. "Bella?" "Stef-Stefan?" "Bella? Are you ok?" "No! I can't wake up! I promised Damon, but no matter how hard I try I just can't!" "What do you mean you can't?" "I feel like my body won't let me! Stefan I'm scared, my body's like giving out it won't let me wake up!" "Ok, calm down, we're gonna figure this out" "Damon's gonna hate me!" "No, he won't, I promise" "Stefan I'm hurting!" She yells, crying and falling to her knees. "Bella? Hey! I'm gonna go and get Damon here for you" "He's- he's gonna hate me" "He won't"

Damon's View
I look at Damon with a worried look. "She can't get out" "What? What does that mean?" "Call Dr. Fell" "What happened, Stefan!" "She said she feels like her body isn't letting her wake up, and that she feels like it's giving out on her" He said, slowly, and in defeat. "Are you kidding me right now?" "Damon, calm down" "She's a vampire, Stefan she's dying!" "I know that, but she's scared out of her mind in there!" "What do I do about that!? Tell her she isn't dying?!" "Calm her down, yes don't tell her she's dying, because we don't know what's going on Damon!" "Yes, Stefan we do! She's dying, and she needs to know it" "Damon, don't-" "Stefan, she needs to know she's dying!" "What if she's not! Or what if we can find a way to keep her alive and help her!" "I don't want her in pain" "Then go and stop the pain, just don't tell her she's dying" "I'll tell her whatever the hell I wanna tell her, Stefan" "Damon, I know you love her, if you tell her she's dying, and she's not, she can have a freak out inside her head and die anyway! You don't want to lose her incase you don't have to, right?!" "Fine, Stefan! 24 hours, if she's not awake, I'm telling her" "Damon-" "No, Stefan! End of discussion!"

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