Chapter 35

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I should've updated soon. Sorry about that. Well let's get on with the story!

Kiseop P.O.V

I went back to the company building. I still couldn't process what happened earlier. There must be a reason why she left. It drove me crazy just trying to figure things out. I walked down the cold hallway that lead to my office. I placed my hand on the cold door knob and twisted the handle. I opened the door and noticed my father in the room. I could remember earlier when I called Rose and she wasn't the person that answered it was my father. My breath intake grew unsteadily. My fist clenched tight while my father turned around and looked at me.

A odd laugh arose from his voice. I wished I could kill off that smirk on his face. It just made me angrier every second. "What did you do to her" my voice shook a little. His smirk faded away, now he looked serious. He dipped his hand into his pockets and held a device in his hand. It was Rose's phone. I wondered how he got it. I heard a loud sound coming from the corner of the room noticing my father throwing the phone at the wall. Black Pieces from the phone were all over the ground.

I adverted my eyes back at him.

"Kiseop," he cleared his throat. "I gave you this company to take care of under my name. I really don't want you to mess things up for me just like your doing right now. That little girlfriend of yours is becoming a know what I do with distractions..I get rid of them."

My jaw clenched tight. "What has she ever done to you. Did you send her away-

"Kiseop I'm doing this for your benefit-"

"What benefit! Everything is always been about you from the beginning. It never about what I feel or what I care about not even about mom. It's been you all this time. You never seem to care about nothing but yourself. I love that woman and you know that. You never want to see me happy don't you. You never been here for me. That woman shows me more affection than you do. She's been always there for me. She's been someone I could talk to because I know she would listen. I grew to hate you so much. Sometimes I wonder if you were my father because that is something you lack." I stood there stunned. I couldn't stop those words from coming out. But I'm glad I said it.

A word didn't come out from him. He just stood there. I heard the door open. I noticed a few men in black suits walk in and I knew it was my fathers men. The door opened again. I noticed Eli and Jennifer walk into the room. I noticed a smile appeared on my father's lips. What I said didn't seem to affect him at all which made me more angrier.

"Ah Jennifer! My daughter in-law. I'm glad your here."

"Daughter in-law" I mouthed. What the hell is going on here.

"Kiseop will be getting married soon. Eli have you started on the wedding preparations."

"Yes sir!" Eli exclaimed.

"Wedding preparations? Married? What the hell is going on." I questioned.

"Don't worry. We'll talk about it later. From now on you have to listen to what I and Eli have to say. The wedding would be in a few days, if it goes well according to the plan." My father stated.

"What wedding! What plan! What is going on here." My voice grew louder.

"Sir, Don't worry you will getting married soon. It's well arranged." Eli stated.

"Who the hell I'm i getting married to." i questioned. I watched my father point at Jennifer's direction. "Her."

Eli is behind this as well. I never trusted him in the first place. I grew angrier when I felt his presence near. I charged at him and knocked him out cold. He twitched on the ground. I grabbed his gun out of his pocket and pointed at my father. This was what a child should never do. Is to kill their own father.

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