Chapter 5

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It has been a month since I've seen My boss kiseop. Like I even care. I felt happy that he was gone for a business trip to japan. I was glad to seen him leave. Our last incident bothered me most and I'm trying to move on past it.

I entered the elevator to get to the copy room to print some files out. The doors of the elevator closed slowly until I saw hands came in the middle stoping the door to close. The tall figure that stood before me was ki-seop. I muttered quietly. I was a bit shocked and disappointed towards his return. He walked into the elevator and stood inches away from me. The doors closed. I felt his eyes burning at my back. Which made me uncomfortable. I tried my hardest not to make any contact with him. He cleared his throat as he walked in front of me lifting up my chin. His actions made my heart race crazy and the feeling of crazy butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I watched his lips sync as the words fell out of his mouth. "Did you miss me." He stated. I looked away from him and pulled his hands slowly away From my chin. He slowly wrapped his fingers around mine and pinned me against the wall. I froze in moments as his face was inches near mine. As soon I heard the elevator ding open, he slowly released his fingers from mine. He smirks as he walks out the elevator.

I stood there frozen trying to know what the hell happened. I stormed out the elevator and went after him. A male intern pulls him into his office. I was still shocked on what happened. Not paying attention I stumbled over the wet sign. I rushed into the printing room and made copies. I walked out with multiple papers stack on my arms. It was hard to see where I was going with the papers stacked up high. I took baby steps trying to make my way back to the elevator.

I could tell if I bumped into someone. A few stacks of paper were taking off my arms as the person's face reveal. It was a guy that I haven't seen around the building. His name tag read

"Eli". He smiled at me as I thanked him. "Hello my name is eli". I told him mine as we shook hands. Footsteps came running behind me. The remaining stacks of paper were been taken off my arms. It was kiseop. I stood there puzzled. I walked over to the elevator as they followed me behind. I pressed the elevator button. They both walked in as I stood in the middle between them. It was a bit awkward. "So your a intern here as I asked the stranger.

"Yes. I just got hired today." He chuckled with a smile. I laughed in response. "If I may ask, since today is my first day. Would you do the honors to show me around." Eli asks.

"Yea sure, whatever."

I noticed a word didn't come out of Kiseop. As soon as the elevator door opened kiseop handed me back the papers he that took away from me. He walked away from me without saying a word. Eli gave me a puzzled look

"He's so bipolar". I scoffed

Eli helped me Carry the papers into the intern office. He placed the papers on my desk and I thanked him again. Jane shot me a glare across the room with a smirk. I smiled In response. Mr.Johnson our intern department manger placed his arm around Eli's neck and dragged him to the middle of the room. "I have to announce that Eli over here would be replacing me due to my retirement."

My mouth formed an O. Which was surprising thinking he was a normal intern like me. Everyone clapped in response and went back to their work. Eli walked over to his desk next to mine. He gave a thumbs up and focused oh his screen. I could tell he is really good looking especially when he smiles. Well I could say his a bit distracting. Mr. Johnson Walked over to my desk and held out a orange file.

"You're week assignment is to interview the owner of our company Mr. Kiseop on the 8 year anniversary of the company." He said dropping it on the desk. I screamed mentally inside my head.

"But-" he walked away quickly.

Ugh I hated every aspect of him. Now I have face him again. I buried my face into my arms in frustration.

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