Chapter 36

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Few months later.

Kiseop P.O.V

I could admit the work load became more and more piled up. I spun my chair and threw my head back. I clicked my pen multiple times. I've been glued to this seat since last night. My stomach growled intensely, forgetting that I had to eat. There was a knock from the door. I announced for the person to come in. A man figure walked in with two bags in his hand. It was my good friend Robin. He smiled when he came in. We've been friends for almost two years now. He's like a brother to me. He placed the bag on top of my desk. "It's Chinese." He stated.

"How...did you know..I was hungry" I gave him a confused look.

"I woke this morning and I heard an usual growl. It disturbed me a lot, so that's why I'm here."

I laughed. "Seriously?"

"No your mom called."

I rubbed my face and smiled.

I watched him dip his fork into the small box that he held in his hand. "So what's been happening since I've been away."

"Just work and a few accidents."

"Accidents?" He exclaimed with food in his mouth. "Ahh- close your mouth."

He swallowed and wiped his mouth. "What accident." "Well I was driving to the hospital and a car backed up at the front rear of my car and just drove off."

"Did you get hurt."


"Aish..Seoul drivers nowadays. Did you find out who did it."

"Yea. It was a lady. I guess we settled everything that day. She gave me her number incase something came up." I said clicking my pen.

A smile grew on his face. I became worried. "Is she pretty?" He cocked his brow.

I adjusted into my seat. "Why?" I questioned. He just kept looking at me.

"Fine she had pretty eyes and that's it. I didn't see her face."


"I don't know she acted weird and covered her face with a folder.

"Omo I guess she's the shy type. You should call her." He stated.

"No. I'm not meeting any woman for now.

"You've been saying that for the last past years. You need to get yourself out there."

"I don't know. But I'm not intending to be with another woman for now. Focusing on work is my top priority for now."

I watched him stand up from his chair. He glared at me and grabbed the fortune cookie out of my hands.


"I'm taking this and I'm leaving. Talk to me when you come back to your senses." He said storming out. I heard the door open he stormed back in and took my car keys off my table.

"Robin! I need that."

"Call that girl. She'll probably pick you up." He waved the key in the air and left.

"Aish.." I sighed.

Few hours into work, I finished half of the work and I insisted on finishing the rest the next day. I called to request for car since Robin stole my car keys. Basically the other was in the shop and rest my father was using. I sighed in frustration. I called my part time car driver to call a cab instead. I picked up my suitcase and headed for the door. I ran into a female intern at the front of my door. "Sorry." She quickly exclaimed. She fixed her hair an handed my a red folder. "Sir I know your leaving now. This is something that your father wants you to change before he come back-

"Return it and tell him I don't want it."

"Sir I'm sorry, I can't do that because-

"Let me guess did he try to threaten you."

She lowered her head. "Seriously if he's doing this to you have to report it."

I sighed and took the folder out of her hands. "What is this about" I questioned.

"It about the company's logo. He wants it to be changed. I met with a few photographers and they have ideas on the logo. In The folder, they are also pictures on the designs on the logo. I just need you to pick one and I'll call an artist to recreate the photos."

I flipped through the photos. It was mostly me and my father smiling. It felt fake. I breathed and handed her a photo. It was a family photo of me, my mom and my father. I picked that one because my mother was in it. "And what artist would be painting and designing this?"

"I picked a few, the ones I circled are the best in seoul."

"Lee joon, Jung hoon, young-soon- I said scrolling down the paper.

"Young soon" I muttered. It sounded familiar. "Young soon, give me more info about that person."

She took the folder from my hand. She smiled and bowed.

I left the building afterwards and headed to the cab.

Anonymous P.O.V

I almost got caught. I shouldn't have backed my car into his. I've been living with my brother for the past month until I got my place. He's still mad at me since I messed up his car. He bought a new car instead and gave me his old car. I was basically stuck with it. Hey! I'm not complaining. I arrived in Seoul before New Years. It's been a while since I came back. I missed korea. Speaking of the crash that happened earlier, like I said I almost got caught. I really didn't want to see him, but at the same time I wanted to see him. He looks different now. I've seen him around billboards and in front of big business buildings and Even in front of popular magazines. He seems to be doing well without me. I'm a bit relieved.

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