Chapter 24

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~sorry if the this chapter is too short. I'll update quick enough.

I stood there frozen as she scanned her eyes around me.

"And you are?" She stated

"Ros-Rose" I stuttered

Kiseop Immediately stood in front of me. "She's Rose mom."

I faced his bare back. I drew my finger up his spine causing him to jump. I laughed a little.

"I can speak for myself" I said pushing him to the side.

"So you're the girl that my son keeps talking about all the time"

I looked at kiseop and he turned away quickly. I swear he turned red.

"I guess.."

"Ah... I'm glad that I met you."

I smiled at her statement. She turned and walked towards Kiseop's direction. She pulled his ear to her level while kiseop cried in pain. "Why aren't you picking up your calls?"

"Ah..I lost phone"

She repeatedly smacked him on the head. "Mom!"

I cupped my face and laughed at their actions. "Forget it I'm leaving!" She said walking down the steps.

"Go ahead!" Kiseop screamed back. She turned around and climbed back, up the stairs. Kiseop quickly ran behind me, shielding him from his mother.

"Aish..this kid.."

She looked directly at me, "If he makes you angry or does worse, call me! I know how to Handle him."

I looked at him and laughed.

"It's not funny!" He said rushing into the bathroom and closed the door shut.

I watched her climb up the stairs. She hugged me tightly. I didn't know how to react.

"Please take care of my son, even if he becomes a hard head. I just want to see him happy that's all."

She pulled and held my hand.

"I might not know you well but you seem like a nice girl to me. I'm putting my trust into you."

Nobody has never said that to me at all, I was just surprised. I quickly nodded my head at her statement. She cupped my face

"Do me a favor and hurry up with my grand kids." She smiled at me and patted my head.

Seriously has she met my mom already?

She waved goodbye and ran down the stairs.

The bathroom door open causing to me turn at his direction.

"Did my mom say anything?"

" why?"

"It seemed that you two were talking." He said trailing into his room.

I rolled my eyes and went down the stairs.

I waited for Kiseop to finish so we could head for the gym.

So enough he headed down the stairs.

"Ready?" He stated

"Yea" I said putting on my shoes.

I watched him struggle on picking up his shoe.

I sighed and handed him the shoe.

"What's up with your arm?" I asked.

"Nothing's wrong" he shifted his eyes away from me. I obviously knew he was lying.

I walked over and looked at his arm. It was his injured arm from the accident.

"Kiseop you can't go to the gym like this. You have let your arm heal."

"It's fine.."

"When last did you take your medication."

"I don't know..."

"Aigoo...did you even take it at all?"


I lightly smacked his arm.

"Ah! That's the injured arm."

I smacked his other arm.

"What was that for"

"For not taking your meds."

He groaned in response. "Where did you keep them?,"

"The kitchen cabinet,"

I took off my shoes and pulled him into the kitchen. He sat at the dining table while I searched for the meds.


I handed him the pills and a glass of water.


Was I too harsh on him, I wondered.


"I'm sorry.." He quickly stated


"I'm sorry..that I make you worry about me...a lot,"

I smiled at him and rubbed his shoulder.

"There's nothing you need to be sorry about, it's just have to take care of yourself more."

I kissed him on the cheek. He cheekily smiled at me and rubbed circles at the back of my hand.

"So what are we going to do.."

"I don't know. But I rather stay here." I stated

I stood up from my seat.

"I'm coming I need to change into something comfortable." I patted the top of his head and then ran up the stairs.

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