The Date

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Your P.O.V.

It's been a couple of days since I've killed Austin Jackson. With him out of the way, the Outlawz were able to take complete control of their turf. We were bringing in tons of money from our rackets as well as the legal businesses that we ran. And we were using a bit of the money to start rebuilding Harlem.

Some of the homes and businesses in the district were improved and reopened. And the hideout we set up at the Marian Hotel has been brought to its full glory of a gang hq. It had been fully repaired and had all sorts of flat screens, some new furniture, and even a nice garage for some cars.

I was currently in my office at the crib thinking on who the mystery partner was. I knew that if the Reapers and Vice Lord's were working together, than Los Cardenales had to be involved. And It started to give me a headache and I needed to find a way to clear my head. Then I heard a knock on the door and was windering who it was.

Y/n: Come in.

I thought that it might have been Jack or one of the others. But I was surprised to see that it was really Ashley. I didn't know why she was here, but it looked like she was concerned.

Y/n: Ashley? Not that this isn't a nice surprise and all, but what are you doing here?

Ashley: Thomas told me you've been a little distracted for a couple days. I was a little concerned, so I thought I would come and check on you.

Y/n: I just got a lot on my mind is all.

Ashley: Like what?

Y/n: Well, I found out a couple days ago that the Vice Lords and the Reapers were working together.

Ashley: What? But I thought they hated each other, why would they work with each other?

Y/n: I know, and it makes me think that Los Cardenales are in on it too.

Ashley: Why?

Y/n: Well, it turns out both Jackson and O'Neill were both working with the same mysterious partner. And if they were, than so are Los Cardenales.

Ashley: Maybe, but you can't waste all of your time thinking about it. I say you should take today to relax and try to clear your head.

Y/n: I was actually thinking the same thing before you came in. And I know a great place over in Jazz Town that has the best dinner and shows in the city.

Ashley: Are you talking about the Acadia Music Hall?

Y/n: Yeah.

Ashley: I've always wanted to go there.

Y/n: Well, perhaps we can go together, if you'd like.

This caused Ashley to blush a little, and I did too. I honestly wasn't expecting to ask her to come along. And after a moment or two, Ashley spoke up.

Ashley: W-What? Like a date?

Y/n: Well, if you want to put it like that, then sure a date.

Ashley: Alright then, it's a date. I'll see you at my place later to pick me up, so here's my address.

With that she left to get ready and I went to do the same. After a couple of hours, I had a nice tuxedo and I was able to buy a nice car too. After a while, I made my way to Ashley's place to get her for tonight. After I knocked on the door, Ashley opened up a moment later and was wearing a nice pink dress.

Y/n: You look beautiful.

Ashley: *blushes* Thanks, and you look very handsome tonight.

Y/n: Shall we?

With that, I took her to the Acadia Music Hall for a night of fun. And she seemed to really enjoy all of the live performances that were shown. And we both enjoyed the night with great food and even danced a little. All in all, it was a great night that we both never wanted to end.

After a few hours, the Acadia had closed for the night and I had brought Ashley home. And we both knew that it was the best night of our lives.

Ashley: I had a great time tonight Y/n.

Y/n: I did too. Though I just wish it didn't have to end so soon.

Ashley: Well, we could do this again some time soon. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but still.

Y/n: I'd like that.

Ashley: Awesome.

She was about to walk back into her place, but quickly kissed me before she went inside. I was left dumbfounded for a couple minutes, but I was able to stand it off. I knew that I just hit a big score with Ashley tonight, and it was the best. But for now, I had to focus on taking the rest of the city. And once Los Cardenales was taken care off, my gang would be the only one left.

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