Stronghold: Jazz Town Music Hall

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Your P.O.V.

After we failed to kill Alice Jackson, I was pissed off. And I still couldn't believe that we had missed the chance to kill her. I decided to take a walk to try and clear my head about it. After a few minutes, I found myself by some of the music stores in Jazz Town.

I always thought that Jazz Town was a nice place to be when people want to try and clear their heads. This is where I used to find myself after a hard day at school when I was bullied. But now there was lots of people that were all afraid of me. After a few minutes, I had started to get a call from Michael.

Y/n: Hey Michael, what do you got?

Michael: Hey boss, are you anywhere near the Acadia music hall?

I started to look around for a moment and realized it was just down the street. I figured that it obviously had to do with the Vice Lords operation, but what I didn't know.

Y/n: Yeah, what does it have to do with the Vice Lords though?

Michael: Well, I did some searching, and it turns out that the place is used as the center of their web porn ring.

Y/n: Web porn?

Michael: Yeah, they got dozens of servers running them  and those assholes are making serious cash from their sites. So if you go on there and destroy the servers, then the Vice Lords are defiantly going to be hurting.

Y/n: And it could give us a chance to move in on the city's prostitution ring much easier.

Michael: Exactly.

Y/n: Alright Michael, I'll call you back when it's done, so have the crew ready to move in.

Michael: Got it boss.

So I made my way down to the music hall to find the servers. It was a good thing I helped a few small time pimps build up their brothels. They had all promised to cut me in if I were to deal with the Vice Lords. So I managed to get inside with no trouble and noticed a couple guards by a back door. I knew it must have lead to the servers, so I got ready for a fight.

The second I shot the guards, people started to panic. So I made my way to the basement to find the servers and found some girls locked up. Those fucks must have taken them to use on some of their sites, and I just thought it was sickening. So I freed the girls as I fought my way through all the guards.

So as I made my way through the basement, I found a back room that had all of the servers in it. So I started to shoot all of the servers to shut them all down permanently. After I destroyed all of the servers, I made my way back to the main music hall. Once I did, I had noticed that some reinforcements had showed up.

So I had to start fighting my way out of the music hall. It didn't take me long since there was only a dozen guards or so that showed up. As soon as they were all dead, I made the call to Michael to have the crew move in. I knew that the Vice Lords were in some real trouble at this point.

With the loss of all those servers was going to cost the Vice Lords lots of money to replace them all. And it would make it easier for the Outlawz to make more money on running prostitution. And it would teach the Vice Lords that their operations aren't safe.

New Neighborhood: Frankford

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