A Rat is a Rat

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Your P.O.V.

With the death of Chief Wilson, I had the police force in my pocket. Now all we had to do was kill Mendoza and I would rule the city. I was just going to be happy the gang war was finally going to be over.

I was on my way to get some lunch and asked Thomas and Michael to meet me at Bobby's diner. Sadly, it turned out Michael was sick and wouldn't be able to come. Once I got there, I found Thomas at a table waiting.

So we both got a good meal and were in the middle of taking out Mendoza once and for all. But then, Thomas looked out the window and suddenly nearly chocked on his meal. So I looked too, and saw several men with guns getting out of cars.


That's when the thugs started to shoot at the restaurant. Luckily, Thomas and I were able to take cover, but several other people weren't so lucky. I knew that if we stayed in here for long, then we'd be dead.

Y/n: Thomas, you go around back and blindside these bastards. I'll keep them distracted up here while you do that.

Thomas: You sure boss?

Y/n: I'm sure, so make sure that none of them to home tonight.

Thomas: On it boss.

So with that, Thomas snuck through the back door. I was just hoping that he would be able to get them in time. I was smart enough to bring a gun in case an event like this happened.

Thomas' P.O.V.

I did as the boss said and made my way out the back door. And once I got there, I almost got shot by a couple guys who were trying to blindside us. So I took care of them before making my way out to the main street.

I was hoping that the boss was okay fighting off the thugs. So I made my way up to the thugs and took them out one at a time. Once they were all dead, I went to get the boss, who came out a moment later.

Y/n: Great job Thomas.

Thomas: Thanks, but we better get you back to the Marian.

Y/n: No, we're going to see Michael! That son of a bitch knew where we were going and calls in "sick."

Thomas: He set us up? That bastard!

Y/n: Let's go, every minute Michael's still breathing is a minute that's got me completely pissed.

So we got into the boss' car and both made our way to Michael's. And I just couldn't believe that Michael would go and betray us. And the boss and I then theorized he must of done this before with the other gangs.

Thomas: You know, if he did say us out, then it may not be the first time.

Y/n: Yeah, the attack on our hideout, the brothel, Jack, and who knows what else he ratted out.

Thomas: Any one of them could have been Michael.

Y/n: I can't believe that he would just do this shit. You give a guy a place in your crew, you give him respect, and this is how he repays you!?

Thomas: We'll get him, don't worry.

Y/n: You're god damn right we will.

After a couple minutes, we were able to get to Michael's. I could tell that the boss was still pissed off. We made our way inside and up the starts to get to Michael's apartment.

Thomas: Hey Boss, why don't you let me go first? Michael might be waiting.

Y/n: No Thomas, my face is going to be the first and last thing this bastard sees.

Once we got to Michael's apartment, the boss kicked open the door. But as soon as he did, we saw Michael crawling out of a window onto a fire escape.

Y/n: Shit, get him Thomas, I'll go around another way.

A/n: Just decided to add in the music just because.

So I crawled out of the window to start chasing Michael. Once I got down the fire escape, I started to chase Michael through some back alleys.

Michael: Help! Someone help me!

Thomas: Get back here Michael!

The bastard may have been a lot faster, but the alleys weren't really easy to get through at all. There was al sorts of trash and old crates all over the place. And it seemed to slow Michael down some what in the process.

Michael: Thomas, please, just let me talk to the boss and I can explain.

Thomas: You've been ratting us out, so there's nothing you can say to me.

After a few more minutes, Michael was about to get away. But the boss was able to cut him off and get a hold of him to stop him. Once I caught up, the boss had started to really beat the living shit out of Michael.

Your P.O.V.

Once I got my hands on Michael, I had started kicking his ass. Each and every blow was only making me more and angry at him. Once Michael was in an inch of his life, I threw him to the ground and then shot him.

Thomas: Well, that takes care of that.

Y/n: Damn straight.

We both knew that with this little distraction dealt with, we could focus on Mendoza. All we had to do was kill him, and the war would be over. I was just hoping that things change for the better when it does.

New Neighborhood: Greentree
News Cast

Luke Young: Breaking news, the famous restaurant known as "Bobby's Diner" has been destroyed. Witnesses say that armed gunmen attacked the diner in search of the Outlawz leader, who, with an associate, drive them off. Right now It is unclear, as to why they attacked him in public as police are still piecing the scene together.

Luke Young: In other news, a body was found in Jazz Town nearly an hour ago. It is unknown who this man is due to his face being beaten to the point of beyond recognition. Well keep you updated as the story unfolds, from the news room, I'm Luke Young.

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