Political Deadline

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Your P.O.V.

With all that's been going on, I was a little concerned. I had a feeling that Los Cardenales was planning something, but I didn't know what. And I haven't heard from Jack yet about what he found out. So I decided to head to the crib to find out what he had.

Once I arrived, I had found Jack with several photos in hand. And each one was either a judge, a politician, or someone else.

Jack: Hey Boss.

Y/n: What's with all the pictures Jack?

Jack: I'm glad you asked, all of these men and women are high ranking people with tons of connections.

Y/n: And I'm guessing on of them is Los Cardenales, right?

Jack: Right, Mendoza pays them all a ton of money to keep them all in his back pocket.

Y/n: Can we afford to pay them off?

Jack: A few of them, maybe, but as for the others, we can't. So we're going to do the next best thing and make sure they don't see tommorow.

Y/n: You got their locations?

Jack: Yeah, I'll send them to you, and it would be best of you take them out from a distance, just to be safe.

Y/n: Well luckily, I still have that sniper in my car. So I take them out, and it'll cost Mendoza tons of influential power.

Jack: And make it harder for them to come down on us too.

Y/n: Good work Jack, call me when you got something else.

So I got in my car, made sure I had the sniper, and drove to the first location and first two pictures. And it a couple judges at the courthouse that was downtown. So I got to the top of the cafe that was across the street and waited. After a few minutes, I saw both of the judges and killed them.

Once both judges were dead, I made my way to the next location. This time, it was right across the street from a local apartment building in Greenwich. And the woman I was after was a politician who lived there. Once I got her in my sights, I killed her and made my escape.

Then I made my way to the police station downtown to deal with a corrupt police lieutenant. He was a big connection for Mendoza in the police, so killing him would help me. So I set up outside the station and waited for him to show up. Once I saw him, I killed him and got out of there ASAP.

Afterwards, the last three targets were people in city hall. It turned out one of them was throwing a party in Fairview, and the other two were with him. So I made my way to a store that had a view of the party.

I was able to spot two of the three targets, but not the third. I had a feeling he was inside, so I decided to wait for him to come out. I ended up having to wait for half an hour before the last one came out. When I saw him, I pulled the trigger age he was dead. Then I killed the other two before they knew what hit them.

After I killed all three guys, people at the party started to panic. I knew they would call the cops, so I made my way back to my car. Once I knew that I was far enough away from the cops, I made my way back to the crib. Once I got inside, Jack quickly ran up to me and was real happy for some reason.

Y/n: What's for you so happy, Jack?

Jack: I'm happy because of all that you've done man. I mean, with those politicians dead, it's got all the other politicians running scared.

Y/n: And it's going to make it easier fir us to operate too.

Jack: Yeah.

With that, we decided to celebrate and take the rest of the day to relax. At the rate we're going, Los Cardenales will be done for soon. All we had to do was keep hitting them hard.

New Neighborhood: Eastwood
News Cast

Luke Young: Hello, this is Luke Young for the Channel seven news. In a crazed turn of events, several political figures have been killed today. The police are still trying to figure out if the killings are at all connected.

Luke Young: With everything that has been happening, it's most likely that are connected. The police don't have any suspects, but we will be updated as soon as we can. So until next time, from the news room, I'm Luke Young.

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