Weapons Wannabe

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Your P.O.V.

With my crew now in control of the city's Auto theft ring we started to get a bit more money. I used a bit of that to buy a few stores in our territory to bring in more money. I was wondering how Thomas was going to get info on the Reapers other operations. And then my phone started ringing and it was actually Thomas.

Y/n: Yeah?

Thomas: Hey boss, your not gonna believe what I just found.

Y/n: What is it?

Thomas: I just could an old shipping building the Reapers use to store weapons they smuggle in from Cuba.

Y/n: Really?

Thomas: Yeah and if we steal the weapons, then we can use them against the Reapers.

Y/n: Send me the address and I'll go check it out.

With that Thomas sent the address and I realized that it was at the docks in Southport. I knew that stealing those weapons would be hard so I decided to make sure I was prepared. I went to a nearby gun store and bought a ton of ammo for my Ak-47 and shotgun.

As soon as I had enough ammo I made my way over the the warehouse and noticed dozens of guards outside.

Reaper #1: Hey did you hear what happened to the boss' nephew?

Reaper #2: No, what happened?

Reaper #1: Apparently, that guy running the Outlawz got to him.

Reaper #3: You mean he's dead?

Reaper #1: What? No! I mean that he's forced Patrick to turn sides. And now that asshole has Patrick stealing cars for him instead.

Reaper #2: Can't imagine how pissed the boss is right now.

Reaper #3: Is that why we brought in all these guns and explosives?

Reaper #1: Yeah, the boss wants that asshole dead, like, yesterday man.

Reaper #2: Well hopefully it'll be enough to stop that asshole.

I was wondering how I'd get past them and found a wrench on the ground and threw it by a few trash cans. Once they heard the loud banging they went to investigate. I got by and noticed an open door so I was able to slip in easily. Once I closed the door I saw that there was large amounts of weapons, ammo, and explosives. I was about to start looking around when a guard came around the corner.

Guard: Hey, who are you?

Y/n: Uh...

I had to think fast so I just took out my knife and stabbed him in the throat and hid his body before sneaking around the warehouse. Then I found the managers office and knocked on the door to see if anyone was home.

I didn't hear anything so I went in and found a few documents and a bag full of money. My guess its that the money was for the weapons they got and it must have been at least a million dollars. And the documents were about all the guns they got and upcoming shipments of some other contraband.

So I called Thomas and told him to bring some guys and a couple of trucks for the weapons. I then heard the door open and hid behind a cupboard and saw the manager came in. He was to distracted with a phone call and it turned out to be O'Neill, so I decided to listen in.

Manager: Don't worry boss, the shipment is safe.

O'Neill: It better be, we're starting to lose some serious money. And if our friends in Cuba find out about it then I'll be done for.

As soon as he hung up a stabbed him a couple times. As soon as he was dead I went back out and started to clear out the Reapers. I had to be sure that the guns would get destroyed so I made sure to be careful. So I managed to clear out the Reapers one by one and the crates helped big time. They knew that if any explosives went off then we'd all be dead.

After a good ten minutes I had killed all the Reapers before I opened the large doors leading outside. Then I waited for a few minutes before Thomas and some of my crew showed up with trucks. Then the crew started loading up all the equipment into the trucks.

Thomas: Man, this is got to be worth at least a million dollars.

Y/n: Got that right.

I then showed him the managers office and all the documents and the money.

Y/n: I want you and a couple men to go through these all of these documents. See if you can find out anything about upcoming shipments and where they store them.

Thomas: Got it boss.

With the building clear I had the boys bring the weapons to the hideout and help supply the rest of the crew. Then I heard a phone start ringing and I see that it was the managers phone so I answered it.

O'Neill: What the he'll is going on down there? I just heard that those Outlawz stole my stuff.

Y/n: Got that right you dumb bitch.

O'Neill: You! You motherfucker!

Y/n: Hope your friends in Cuba don't find out about this. I'm sure that would be very bad for business.

O'Neill: I swear I'm gonna make your death slow and painful.

Y/n: I'd like to see you try.

With that I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket.

Thomas: You sure that's a good idea?

Y/n: You never know, I'm sure we'll find out sooner or later.

With that we left and took all the documents and money. I had a feeling that the phone would come in handy. Now all I had to wait and see what would happen next.

New Neighborhood: Southport
News cast

Luke Young: Hello and good evening, we are getting reports that members of the Reaper gang have been found dead. This time at a warehouse suspected to be owned by the gang.

Luke Young: It is unclear what they used it for, but sources say it was used to smuggle in weapons and explosives. We will keep you updated on this report. Reporting from the news room, in Luke Young.

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