The Hero's of Harlem

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Your P.O.V.

It has been a couple days since I formed the Outlawz and drove the Reapers out of Harlem. I was at the old Hotel trying to get the crew to clear out the debris and see what's salvageable. And I had made it clear I was in charge and that Jack, Michael, and Thomas were my lieutenants. I had been waiting to see if someone had info on the other gangs operations in Harlem when Jack came up to me.

Jack: Hey boss, I got something on the Vice Lords in Hollow Bay.

Y/n: What is it?

Jack: Well you know how they've been running prostitution in the area?

Y/n: Yeah.

Jack: Well I just got word from one of our guys, and they found out that it's all being run from an old warehouse.

Y/n: And let me guess, if we take it then we can take control of Hollow Bay?

Jack: Yeah, you want me to send a few people to take it over?

Y/n: No, I'll deal with it myself.

Jack: What? Why?

Y/n: Its so i can establish fear to all of the other gangs in the city. I want them to know that I'll be coming for every last one of them and that there will be nothing they can do to stop me.

Jack: Uh...okay.

Y/n: Thanks for telling me Jack, now I want you and the others to find out how to get Los Cardenales out of Boston.

Jack: N-No problem.

With that Jack wrote down the address to the warehouse and I made my way there. I didn't want to take a car so I had to walk all the way to to the warehouse. After an hour I arrived at the building and started searching for a way inside. I found a door with only one guard and just thought to myself "there making it too easy" before walking up to the thug.

Y/n: Hey?

Guard: Who are you and what are you doing here? This is private Property!

Y/n: I'm just looking for something and I think I left it around here.

Guard: What?

Y/n: Your life!

With that I pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the throat which caused him to drop dead after a few seconds. Then I took the body to the dumpster and took off his clothes and put it on to disguise myself as one of them. Then I went inside and saw the VL's had really turned the warehouse into a brothel.

There were hookers everywhere and it looked like there was about a dozen guards too. Though I wouldn't be surprised if they would try to call in some reinforcement if hell broke loose. So I locked the only door that led in or out of the building and started picking all the VL's off one by one.

After I had killed a few some of the people started screaming when they realized someone was killed. The rest of the Vice Lords were starting to panic and pulled out my gun and killed the remaining VL members. When they were all dead I decided to call Jack to send in our guys.

Jack: Yeah man?

Y/n: Jack the brothel is ours, so send in our guys to secure the warehouse.

Jack: Got it, boss! Wait, what? Okay it looks like you got some VL's incoming.

Y/n: Okay, I'll deal with them.

After I hung up I saw half a dozen cars pull up and saw the Vice Lords start coming to the warehouse. So I went outside and started shooting at them as they shoot back. It took a good few minutes before I had killed most of them before some of my men showed up and helped took care of the remaining Vice Lords. With all of the reinforcements dealt with I went back into the warehouse and got on the little stage they had.

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