The Connection to Cuba

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Your P.O.V.

It's been a couple days since we've stopped the Reapers from taring the city apart. I was walking around after I bought a few more stores and shops when I got a call from Thomas.

Y/n: You got something Thomas?

Thomas: Yeah, I just need you to meet me down at the docks.

Y/n: Sure.

So I made my way down to the docks and I saw Thomas and several Outlawz with him. It looked like they were all getting ready for a war, So I knew I had to ask Thomas what he was planning.

Y/n: What's this all about?

Thomas: I'm glad you asked, so do you remember that recording I showed ya?

Y/n: Yeah, why?

Thomas: Well I intercepted another one an hour ago, listen to this.

Then he pulled out some tape recorder before he pressed play. It was another call between O'Neill and the Cuban from before.

???: I'm going to be in town in a few hours, Senior O'Neill. And I want to know what's happened to the supplies my boss have you.

O'Neill: There's no need for this, I told you everything is under control.

???: We'll see when I arrive.

Then the recording ended before I turned my attention back to Thomas.

Y/n: How did you even get this?

Thomas: I have a friend works at the local phone company and he may have owed me a favor or two.

Y/n: Alright then, so when's this Cuban going to be here?

Thomas: In about thirty minutes, he's going to meet O'Neill at a shipyard that's nearby. And the place is going to be guarded with a lot of guys with a lot of guns.

Y/n: Alright, let's see if this Cuban wants some new business partners.

Thomas: You sure you don't want to kill the guy?

I just glared at him before I slapped the back of his head. He just rubbed it in annoyance for a moment before I spoke up again.

Y/n: Don't be an idiot! I want to make him a proposal he can't refuse. And if we killed him we'd all be dead by the end of the week.

Thomas: Alright: fair point.

Y/n: Alright boys, let's move out.

Once I said that they all grabbed their weapons and then we got into our cars before we drove to the shipyard. And as soon as we arrived at the shipyard we saw there was dozens of guards.

Y/n: Looks like they're expecting us.

Thomas: What're we gonna do?

Y/n: Alright, you four go with Thomas and see if there are any other ways in. You three are with me, we'll go through the front door.

So we all went in different directions and we kept our guns hidden. So we all walked up and stopped when five guards saw us.

Reaper #1: Hey, this is a restricted area.

Reaper #2: Yeah, so we'll have to ask you idiots to leave.

Y/n: Sorry gentlemen, but you'll be the ones who are leaving.

Reaper #3: Oh Yeah? And why's that?

Reaper #4: Wait, don't I know you?

Reaper #5: Yeah, you do look familiar.

It took them a moment to figure it out and when they did it was to late. I had snapped my fingers and ordered my guys to kill all of the guards there. As soon as we did we heard gun shots from another part of the shipyard. It looks like Thomas and the others found a way in.

So we started to make our way through the shipyard too. It wasn't easy since it looked like ome Reaper by a warehouse and he had an RPG with him. So I just started to make my way to where he was and got around to where he was. Once I did I got right behind him and he didn't notice.

Y/n: Knock knock, bitch.

As soon as he turned around I shot him in the head. Then I realized there was a sniper rifle on a work bench. So I just took it before I got the roof and started to kill the remaining Reapers. Once it was all clear we had regrouped with Thomas and the others.

Y/n: That the last of them?

Thomas: I think so...

Then we heard a trash can fall over and saw one last Reaper. He tried to shoot at us but his gun was out of bullets. So I just grabbed him before he could make a run for it.

Y/n: And where do you think you're going buddy?

Reaper: Please, don't kill me.

I threw him onto the ground before Thomas pulled a gun on him. This guy looked like he was going to piss himself at any moment.

Y/n: You got a name?

Frank: I-Its F-Frank, Frank Albertson.

Y/n: Well, "Frank Albertson", How about you send a message to your boss.

Frank: Anything.

Y/n: Tell him that his smuggling racket is the Outlawz now and that his days are numbered.

Frank: S-Sure, got it.

With that he got up and ran off to make sure my message was delivered. So then we all waited for about another twenty before a boat came to the docks. And I could tell the man on the boat was a Cuban and that he was really surprised to see me.

Thomas: Mr. Rico Martinez?

Martinez: Yes, who are you?

Y/n: Mr. Martinez, my name is Y/n L/n and I'm here to make you a business proposition.

Martinez: Are you with Senior O'Neill?

Thomas: No sir.

Y/n: I'm the leader of the new street gang you've been hearing about.

Martinez: The Outlawz? So you're the one who's been stealing our property?

Y/n: That's right.

Martinez: Very well Senior L/n, I will put a call through to my employer. And we will see if we can work out some sort of agreement.

Within the hour, I was able to make a deal with the Cubans. And it was another part of the Reapers operations under my control. I knew things were starting to get worse for the Reapers. And it was only a matter of time before I took care of O'Neill.

New Neighborhood: Copperfield
News cast

Luke Young: This is Luke Young for channel seven news. Yet another battle has taken place between the Outlawz and the Reapers. It would appear that it took place at the Copperfield shipyard.

Luke Young: The police have closed off the area and have not given any reports at the moment. But a source says that there are multiple dead bodies all connected to the Reapers. We will give you an update as the investigation continues, from the news room I'm Luke Young.

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