Eye for an Eye

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Your P.O.V.

It's been a good week since we've started our campaign against Mendoza and Los Cardenales. And with all of the money we've been making, I could start paying off politicians. I even had a few police captains in my pocket too, so the cops were less of a problem.

But the real problem was that I haven't heard from Jack for the past couple of days. I was a little concerned as to why he wasn't around at all. And both Thomas and Michael haven't heard from Jack either. I started to fear the worse, but when my phone started to ring, I was a little relieved to see it was Jack calling.

Y/n: Hey Jack, where are you?

Mendoza: Guess again tu bastardo.

Y/n: I take it in finally talking to my dear friend Alex Mendoza?

Mendoza: I'm not your friend, but yours is still here.

Y/n: What do you mean? What have you done to Jack?

Mendoza: Lets just say that when you find him, he won't be in the best of conditions.

Y/n: I swear, if you kill him, I'm going--

Mendoza: You're going to die, just like your friend here. You've taken from me, so now I'm taking from you. Adios!

With that, Mendoza hung up and I was really pissed off. I knew I had to get to Jack before Mendoza killed him, so I gave Thomas a call.

Thomas: Shit! Alright, I remember Jack saying one of Los Cardenales best drug dealers sells nearby. There's a good chance that he'll know where Jack is bring held.

Y/n: Send me the location, I'm going to kill Mendoza for this.

Once I hung up, Thomas sent me a photo of the guy and where I could find his sorry ass. After I found the bastard, I grabbed him and brought him into a nearby alley.

Y/n: Alright you bastard, where the hell did Mendoza take my friend?

Drug dealer: How the hell should I know who you're talking about?

Y/n: You know who I'm talking about. So you better start talking, or else I'm going to kill you very slowly.

Drug dealer: Screw you!

That just really pissed me off, so I had started to kick his ass. I slammed his head on a dumpster and started to break his leg. Let's just say that this guy had no balls after adding enough of my persuasive touch.

Drug dealer: Alright, stop! Your friend Jack is at an old office building over in. Union Square. But I swear that's all I know man, just please stop.

Y/n: Thanks for the assistance.

With that, I slammed his head into a wall until he was dead. Once he was dead, I made my way to the office building the dealer mentioned. It was the only one that was abandoned in the area, so it had to be it.

So I made my way inside and found no one inside. There was some drug lab equipment however, I was just hoping I wasn't to late. Then I heard some odd noises coming from a nearby room. So I went to check it out and saw Jack being beaten by some Cardenales guards.

Jack: I'm..... not telling you..... shit!

LC #1: You will tell us what you know about your leader cabron.

LC #2: Otherwise, you will just be making things harder for yourself.

Jack: Fuck.... you....

I knew that I had to save Jack, so I rushed in and started shooting all of those bastards. It didn't take long, and once they were dead, I untied Jack and knew I had to get him out.

Jack: Boss.... you came..... for me.

Y/n: That's right Jack, now just save your strength and I'll get you help.

Jack: No..... it's to..... late for me.

Y/n: Don't say that Jack. You're going to be fine, just hold on so I can get help.

Jack: They tortured.... me for..... nearly two days.... boss. And I wo.... wouldn't tell them..... anything.

Y/n: C'mon Jack, stay with me.

Jack: I'll see you.... on the..... other..... side.... boss...

With that, Jack had died right there in front of me. I couldn't believe that Jack was actually dead right now. I tried to give Jack some CPR, but it wasn't even working at all. After a few minutes, I knew it was to late and Jack was dead. After a few minutes of silence, I decided to call Thomas to tell him what had happened.

Thomas: Hey boss, did you get Jack?

Y/n: Is Michael with you?

Michael: I'm here boss, Thomas has you on speaker phone.

Y/n: Is it just you two?

Thomas: Yeah, why? What happened?

Y/n: Jack is....... he's dead guys.

Michael: What?

Thomas: Shit.

Y/n: Get to the abandoned office building in Union Square. That's where you'll find me and Jack at right now.

Thomas: See you soon boss.

With that, I hung up and just waited for Thomas and Michael. Once they came and picked up me and Jacks body, I set off some explosives I set up inside. Once we buried Jack, I was going to make Mendoza pay for this.

New Neighborhood: Union Square.
News Cast

Luke Young: Hello and good evening, this is Luke Young for the Channel seven news. In our top story today, an abandoned office building has been destroyed today. Police are investigating the scene as we speak now.

Luke Young: Its suspected that the building was used as a drug lab and could be the reason for it being destroyed. We will keep you updated as the investigation continues, from the news room, I'm Luke Young.

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