Bon Appetit

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Your P.O.V.

After having saved Ashley and the other girls from the Vice Lords, I was really pissed. I knew that they were all going to pay for what they did to those woman. I was waiting to see what was going to happen next when I noticed Michael was looking like he had just won the lottery.

Y/n: Hey Michael, you got something?

Michael: Yeah, it turns out that Alice Jackson is finally showing her face.

That did catch my attention, I knew that taking her out would demoralize the Vice Lords. And it would also be one step closer to taking them out.

Y/n: Where's she at?

Michael: Well, it turns out that she's at the Vice Lords main brothel. It's being run out of a high class restaurant over in The Greens. So if we kill her there--

Y/n: Then we can take control of their prostitution ring too.

Michael: Exactly! Now the restaurant is called Ralph's Diner, so it shouldn't be to hard to miss.

Y/n: Alright, I want you to get a few of the boys together and meet me there.

Michael: Got it, boss.

So I got into my car and made my way to Ralph's Diner. And like Michael said, it really wasn't that hard to miss since it was a popular restaurant. And I was hoping that Alice Jackson was there so I could kill her. After driving for about twenty minutes, I had arrived just down the road from Ralph's. And a few minutes later, a few Outlawz showed up to help.

Y/n Alright you guys, the Vice Lords have their main brothel is in Ralph's Diner and we're gonna take it from them. And we'll also be killing Alice Jackson while we're at it, so if you see her, shoot on sight.

Once they understood the plan, we made our way to Ralph's. And it was all nice and fancy on the inside, but I knew it was a facade. It was a good thing that the place was closed, so it does make it easier not having to worry about the cops showing up.

One of the Outlawz picked the lock so we could get in, and made our way down stairs with ease. And once we got inside, we saw that there were lots of prostitutes everywhere. Then one of guards stopped us before we could go any further.

Guard: You got an invite?

Y/n: Yeah, it's right here.

Then I pulled out my shotgun and shot him in the gut. That caused all of the prostitutes to start screaming and going for cover. Then more guards showed up to try and kill us. So we started to kill all of the Vice Lords guarding the brothel. After ten minutes of fighting, the while brothel was filled with dead Vice Lords.

Y/n: Where is Alice Jackson?

It was silent for a moment or two since the prostitutes were still all scared about what happened. Then I noticed that one of the Vice Lords were still alive, so I went to ask him.

Y/n: Hey, where's Alice Jackson?

VL member: You just missed her, bitch. She left nearly five minutes before you showed up.

I couldn't believe that we missed her, and I was hoping that we could kill her. So I shot the Vice Lord in the head before my phone started to ring.

Y/n: What's up?

Michael: Boss, the info was a trick, the Vice Lords have sent reinforcements to the brothel. They'll be there any minute to try and kill you.

Y/n: Shit, get the crew down here now!

Michael: I will, don't worry.

Then I hung up and we all heard a few cars pull up outside. So we got ready to kill the Vice Lords before they could kill us all. And it was a crazy gun fight that followed with the VL's bodies falling all over the place. After about five or ten minutes, Michael and some other Outlawz showed up to help. And it was a won battle as soon as they did come.

Once the Vice Lords were all dead, we started to clean out the brothel. And I told the prostitutes that they would all work for us now. We may not have killed Alice Jackson, but I knew it was only a matter of time.

Third P.O.V.

Austin "The Ripper" Jackson had arrived in Liberty City to deal with the problems his kids have been having. But he didn't expect you to be so hard to kill like Dylan and Alice said. And now he was pissed that the Vice Lords had just lost their main brothel. He wanted to get rid of you before it was to late.

Austin Jackson: Alice, I want you to find out where the Outlawz leader is, and when you do kill him.

Alice Jackson: Of course, father.

Dylan Jackson: What about me, father?

Austin Jackson: You will wait here and you will not get in the way. Understood?

Dylan Jackson: Yes, father.

New Neighborhood: Newtown
News Cast

Luke Young: Good evening, this Luke Young with Channel Seven news. It our top story tonight, it has been revealed that Ralph's Diner was a front for an illegal prostitution ring. Several people say they saw four people enter the Diner and heard gunshots along with seeing Vice Lords show up afterwards.

Luke Young: And it would now appear the Outlawz are in control of less than half of Vice Lord territory. It may turn out to be true that the Vice Lords will be the second gang to fall to the Outlawz power. From the Channel Seven news room, I'm Luke Young.

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