Chapter 2 - A Secret Non-Human

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I hope he got away. Sapnap thought as he sat around the dinner table with his friends. He was secretly a non-human, but his friends don't know, of course. They might kill him if they knew.... Sapnap tried to not dwell on that thought as he recalled his memories of the creature, BBH. He had seen BBH on the tree, but Sapnap let him get away.

Sapnap hoped he did the right thing.

Maybe he didn't.

Doesn't matter now, he can't change the past.

Sapnap had the same worry every single day. He was always scared of what would happen if his "friends" found out what he was. Partly because he knew what happened to non-humans, partly because he didn't want to see the betrayed look on their faces.

He poked his food. Sapnap was never truly happy, not really. The only time he was actually happy were those small moments where he was so happy he forgot to worry. That happened very rarely, though.

"Hey dude, cheer up!" Dream nudged Sapnap, "why the sad face? Are you upset we didn't catch BBH or what?" Dream was Sapnap's best friend since forever and Sapnap was grateful to have him around, though Sapnap couldn't tell him his secret.

Sapnap snapped out of his trance, "Oh, sorry. It's nothing really. I'm fine."

Dream studied him. Well, Sapnap couldn't really tell if Dream was looking at him since the mask hid the upper half of Dream's face. Dream was an expert at reading people and charming them. He was also good at talking and making deals as well. Sapnap gulped. Sometimes he felt like Dream could figure out his secret.

But Dream just turned and shrugged, "If you say so."

Sapnap was relieved, but he made sure not to show it. The Dream SMP members that were with him on the BBH hunt were all around the dining table, laughing and talking. The fire in the hearth crackled warmly. The whole place was welcoming to Sapnap, especially the fire.

After all, he was a fire elemental user. He was born with fire affinity and was able to conjure flames and control fire in any way he wanted. When he used his powers, his energy gets drained little by little. Even now, the fire in the hearth was calling to him.

Sapnap never used his power to stay hidden from the hunters. Then, he went through hunter training and blended in with the hunters. He felt like a coward, a traitor to his kind, but it was necessary for his survival.

Sapnap ate his dinner quietly. Whenever he had to hunt someone, he felt sick to his stomach. Annoyed, but scared of being found out.

Being normal is hard. (I can relate- It's true in real life too)

"Sapnap, what do you think?" George asked.

"Huh? Wha?" Sapnap blinked. He had zoned out again, staring into the fire. The fire always filled him up. It replenished him with power, life, and energy instead of burning him. It was doing that now but also drawing Sapnap's attention to it.

George sighed, "Were you even listening? We decided we can set out tomorrow with some of Big Q's drugs and continue looking for BBH. BBH has a huge bounty, you know."

Sapnap agreed, "Yeah, that's smart." His stomach lurched. Oh no. I hope he hid well. Maybe he escaped far enough away.

(Line Break)

Technoblade was walking through a burning orphanage. He had finally destroyed all the orphanages in this kingdom. He hated humans and what they did to his kind, so he took revenge. Who cares if he was proving the humans right about how they think about non-humans?

They deserved it.

They certainly did.

It was because of them. All because of them.

The stupid humans were the reason hunters existed and spilt them up.

Technoblade was all alone because of them.

Starting with orphanages, slowly, Techno will destroy the humans. Non-humans will rise. They will taste his wrath. He will start a revolution.

They will pay for making Techno lose his best friend.

As Techno looked up at the night sky filled with stars, he exhaled. The night always made him sad. He remembered the times his best friend showed him constellations and gazed at the stars.

It wasn't fair. The hunters and the stars are still here, but they're not anymore. Techno's best friend was gone. Techno would give anything for his best friend to come back to him, even for just one day.

I miss you.

Come back, please.

I don't want to be alone.

(Line Break)

The Dream SMP members were going around and searching people's houses for non humans. This way, the village can be kept safe.

Puffy and Skeppy knocked on the door of a hut. A tall boy with light brown hair and dark brown eyes stepped out.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"We need to search inside. Sorry if it causes any inconveniences, but that's how it works here." Puffy explained apologetically.

The boy nodded, "I know. Uh, I'm Ranboo." He let them inside. There was a brown haired boy lying on his couch, sleeping. He was wearing black and red clothes, which is weird.

"That's my friend, uh, Darryl." Ranboo gave a thin smile.

"Ok, thank you." Skeppy said politely.

The two hunters searched but didn't find anything unnatural. They left the house as it is. After the two were out of the house, Skeppy frowned, as if he was trying to remember something.

"They looked familiar. I'm sure I've never met someone named Ranboo or Darryl before, though." Skeppy told Puffy, "This is strange. I say we keep an eye on them."

Puffy nodded, "Alright. I'll tell this to the others as well."

(Line Break)

Ranboo's heartbeat slowed. The hunters didn't suspect them, the hunters were gone. He and Bad are safe. Good thing no one knew his name. He was known as the "nameless enderman half-light half-dark hybrid". Ranboo looked over at Bad and sighed. He wondered when Bad would wake up. Bad seemed really tired.

He turned back into his natural form. Half black, half white hair. Half black, half white tail. One black horn and one white horn. One green eye and one red eye, both glowing. He could have kept his human form, but it was tiring and not as relaxed. Slowly, Bad also turned back into his demon form. When Ranboo heard the knock, he had quickly transformed himself and Bad into their human forms.

Ranboo hadn't even realized how scared he was when the hunters came. He shivered, remembering their blades and crossbows designed to hunt non-humans. Their swords were really sharp.

They were also both A class hunters in the Dream SMP. A class hunters were already too strong for Ranboo to handle. He couldn't teleport away either, since hunters have devices that can trace magic, so even if he managed to get him and Bad out, they would still be in deep trouble.

Plus, they were part of the Dream SMP. The Dream SMP is every non-humans' worst nightmare. Once they find out you are a non-human, you are done for. Even worst, they often work in groups, so if one is hunting you, you can assume more are on their way to hunt you. Few non-humans survive them, and that's only because of their unbelievable good luck, not their skill. Bad was quite lucky to escape from them.

Ranboo checked Bad's wounds and temperature again. He seemed fine. All Bad needs right now is rest. Ranboo let him sleep and headed into the kitchen while eating an apple. Hopefully, everything will be alright.

(Line Break)

Hmm, who could be Techno's best friend? Kinda cliffhanger lol. I hope you enjoyed!

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