Chapter 13 - A Compass

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Antfrost's thoughts were conflicted.

What was Bad doing with the hunters? He has to be a spy. There's no way he would EVER betray the non-humans. Who was that boy, though? His thoughts circled back to the dual haired teen he saw before.

The boy was extremely tall and he had half white, half black hair. He is definitely not a hunter. Maybe he's an apprentice hunter? Probably.

There is only one option for Antfrost right now. He has to follow them.

Hopefully he doesn't mess it up.

(Line Break)

Wilbur was venturing outside the grove. He's going to cheer up some of the children inside the grove by bringing things back from the town nearby. The children are nearly always bored, but it's too dangerous for them to be outside. Wilbur could also visit Niki again and maybe
Bring back some of her delicious bread for the everyone.

The rebel base is located inside a forest by the northern border of the Badlands while the Dream SMP Lands is south of the Badlands. Wilbur worried about the Dream SMP coming to hunt Technoblade. They were going to search over the entire continent for Techno and the rebels, but they decided to come to the Badlands first. This means that the rebellion will have less time to prepare. What an unlucky coincidence. (Not a coincidence, actually, the Blood Writer did this for the plot lol.)

Also, len_is_dear yes Blood Writer. "Blood For The Blood Writer" your quote is now canon for me. I am now the Blood Writer. My power is to write things in blood and do cool stuff with my writing like bringing things I write to life. 😌 Thank you for coming up with new brand I will now use. 😁

Wilbur spent some time in the village nearby. All was well. He returned to the Grover Of Safety after having lunch at Niki's Bakery.

The brown haired man distributed all the cool looking plants, toys, and rocks he had found among the children. (Whenever I see the word "among" I always think about Among Us-) Then he proceeded to go to the training area.

Every rebel must be prepared and trained for their revolution, that does not exclude Wilbur. The tall non-human took his sword.

"Hi Wil!" Skylar waved at him. Wilbur waved back. Skylar is a non-human they recruited last year. (Skylar is like Everest so she's just a background character)

"Hi, wanna spar?" Wilbur asked. Skylar nodded and soon the two of them were parrying with their swords. Soon, Wilbur won. Skylar was never particularly good with swords, she's more of an archer, but every non-human have to be able to stand their ground with any weapon... or even their fists. For non-humans in this world, it's kill or be killed. They have to always be ready. Aside from that, extra preparations for the war to come will be helpful.

A non-human with sandy blond-brown hair came up to Wilbur, who recognized the parrot hybrid.

Wilbur smiled at his friend, "Hi Grian!" Grian is a spy in Hermitcraft. He has been collecting information for the rebellion but the Hermits don't seem to have the information they need or they just didn't tell Grian the vital information.

Grian asked, "Do you wanna spar together?"

"Sure." Came the reply.

The two of them fought for a while and commented on each other's fighting style. Grian is good at fighting, but he still lost at times. (Grian was a literal pvp god during MCC)

During the whole day, Wilbur kept feeling like he's forgetting something. (Ghostbur not remembering bad things preference)

As Wilbur drank some water after a long sparring session, he dug into his memories. He had a feeling that he could remember something if he tried.

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