Chapter 27 - Searching The Temple

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Ranboo almost stumbled over the Egg's vines. He quickly caught himself, not wanting to make contact with the vines.

Meanwhile, his friends were also struggling with the same problem. They were a little paranoid that the vines would grab them, but nothing of that sort has happened yet. The paranoia wasn't based off of nothing, either. They had all seen what the vines can do first hand and don't want to be trapped by it.

Ranboo felt something pass by his legs. Then, before he could react, pain shot up from his legs. The pain was making his vision swim. He stumbled down into the water — the cause of his pain — and screamed. He tried to teleport but the pain is making it hard to use his powers. The pain is making it hard to do anything, really, even thinking.

Someone grabbed him out of the water. Ranboo's vision is still blurry, though. He couldn't make out what they're saying. Wait, who are they?

They're not Karl or Puffy.

He couldn't recognize them at all.

(Line Break)

"RANBOO!!" Puffy cried out. "RANBOO WHERE ARE YOU?!?!"

A water stream was inside the temple. Puffy heard a scream near the stream, so she concluded that it must be Ranboo.

"Puffy over here!" Karl yelled. Puffy sprinted towards his voice.

She skidded to a halt when she saw the enderman hybrid. His who skin was scarred, like it was burned.

"Ranboo!!" Puffy shouted. She knelt down next to Karl. "Oh no..."

A black cat was standing nearby, watching this all. No one noticed a piece of a ripped cloak left by someone while they were hurrying away.

"At least he's breathing?" Karl said. He and Puffy carried Ranboo away from the stream. Carefully avoiding the Egg's tentacles, they laid Ranboo down a safe distance away from the stream.

After a long while of silence, Puffy spoke. "A-Alright. We should go back to searching now."

Karl nodded. "Yeah..."

(Line Break)

Karl dusted away a cobweb in one of the temple's rooms. The temple seemed to not only be a temple, but also the main base of the old Eggpire. It turned out that there was a library and a dining room fit for hundreds of people in the temple — well, the old Eggpire's base.

The rooms has been grand once. Karl thought. Just look at this chip of marble. The architects must have used a lot of resources to get these. The carvings on it is faint, but it would have looked nice if it wasn't broken.

As Karl proceeded towards another one of the rooms, he suddenly thought that this hallway looks like a hotel. What if... Karl looked at the broken pieces of wood on the floor. The huge dining hall.... the many rooms... all of these fabric in the rooms... it all makes sense! The old Eggpire lived here. This pile of wood could have been a door. The reason I didn't know these are bedrooms is because all the furniture are now broken! The fabric... they were probably bedsheets and mattresses! That random wooden thing was a bed frame!

Karl smiled. Then he realized yet another thing. Then there must have been a bedroom for the Eggpire's leader. That room is probably the most lavish — or the biggest — room in this bedroom area.

With this new realization, Karl started looking for the best bedroom. It is usually at the end of the hallway with a balcony of some sort. He was right. When he arrived at the bedroom that he assumed belonged to the old Eggpire's commander, he started searching around.

Hunted||MCYT Fantasy AU||Platonic ShipsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang