Chapter 29 - The Fall

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It took a whole day for the Anti-Egg Trio to get stuff from the Church and get back to the temple. Ranboo had woken up since then, though he was still weak.

When they got back, they saw the other Anti-Egg Squad members poking around. Of course, there was also Drista, who made Ranboo very shocked by just simply existing.

"Wha- Drista?!" Ranboo exclaimed. "What are you doing here?!" Then the enderman hybrid turned to Tommy. "Wait, does she know that-"

Tommy nodded. "Yeah. She knows we're non-humans now."

Techno turned to Puffy. "Did you find anything?"

Puffy nodded. "Yeah... and it's bad."

(Line Break)

"So this whole time we were doing the wrong thing?!" Dream yelled, clearly in shock. "Hunting down non-human... it was all wrong?!"

"Finally you're not blind." Techno said in reply. "We only kill hunters for revenge."

The silence was deafening. (And extremely awkward) Finally, Karl broke the silence. "Let's see what we can do. We have a lot of clothes from the Church and a bunch of holy water."

After everyone was wearing Chruch Prime clothing and holding many bottles of holy water, they set off inside the temple to find the Egg. They figured that the Egg is weaker now, so maybe it won't absorb holy water. Plus, they can always just destroy the Egg the old fashioned way: use swords to hack the vines off and use pickaxes to mine the Egg.

The only problem: Finding the Egg.

...except that problem is already fixed! Nora's diary provided a map of the whole temple, which included the location of the Egg. Nora is an artist, which means that she sketches a lot, including things and information about the Eggpire & Egg.

This is the fall of the Eggpire.

(Line Break)

Skeppy fell to the ground. His whole body hurts. A scream escape his lips as his mind began to change.

The Egg.

What is happening?!

The Egg... it was controlling me!

Wait, how am I free now?!

He could faintly hear BBH beside him, groaning in pain. His brain wouldn't work, the pain was just too much.

After about three minutes, the pain faded. He lied on the ground, panting from exhaustion.

I'm free.

(Line Break)

The ex-Eggpire members were split into groups. The hunters in one and the non-humans in another. The atmosphere was so tense you could cut it with a fork. (Drista reference... did you see it?)

Without thinking, Ranboo teleported to the ground. He then realized his mistake as everyone's attention is now on him.

"Technoblade?!" A hunter cried out. Ranboo turned around and saw the said piglin standing there. Then Dream came and stood beside Techno, making everyone confused. Dream, the leader of the hunters and Technoblade, the leader of the non-humans?! Why are they not attacking each other? And why are they acting like old friends?

"We have something to say." Dream declared. Now Ranboo could see why he is a leader. When he wants to make himself heard, he gives off this leader aura that is incredibly hard to ignore. His words are confident and he projected them very well. He was a natural. His speech seemed to be prepared, practiced, and written out even though it wasn't at all.

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