Chapter 20 - Memories Of ---

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I'm so behind uploading schedule- (even tho I don't have one lol)

——— punched the walls again, although they knew their attempts were futile.

The hunters had interrogated her about Techno, but of course she didn't say anything. ——— kept his mouth shut no matter how he is treated. They would never betray Techno.

The human sat down, sighing. Who knows what will happen to her now. They hoped that they could escape soon. Things were not working in his favor.

(Line Break)

——— kept his cool as the scientist pushed a needle into his arm. It's alright. She told herself. I'll be fine. I have to be ok for Techno.

Their vision became blurry. He could only see the fuzzy outlines of things now. The scientists' voices were a buzz in their ear. She trembled. Something's not right.

Is it just her imagination or did the place seemed to get darker?

He couldn't register anything around him. They had never felt so helpless. What did they inject into me?! They wondered, panicked.

Everything was blurry and dark. ———'s eyes slowly closed.

I need to get out of here. Fast.

Well duh Sherlock of course you need to get outta there-

But no because I'm a evil writer nope!

(Line Break)

——— didn't know how long has passed. The scientists are still trying to get information out of them, but they aren't budging. Not now, not ever.

The scientists would give her food and water twice a day. They didn't run many experiments on him, but they would inject him with vials of chemicals frequently. The injections made ——— feel dizzy and weak.

Whatever chemicals were in the vial started changing ———'s physical appearance, too. A ——- of —— started becoming ——. The first time ——— saw his —— after being injected, he freaked out. They looked too different.

She tried to hide her change in appearance, but it was hard. At first it was still possible, but hiding their new changing features became harder and harder until it was impossible. At that point ——— hated looking at their reflection. It reminded them of what happened and how miserable their life is.

(Line Break)

Who.... am I?

Why can't I remember anything?

They looked around. She was in a forest of some sort. Forests and huge trees always bring up memories, but they were blurred and jumbled. His head hurt when he tried to dig deeper into his memories.

Probably not important. I should figure out where I am and who I am first.

He wandered around, occasionally seeing rabbits and birds roaming around. Are there any civilizations around at all? Any?

My name....


My name is ———!

She grinned. Yes!

I know who I am. Now I just gotta remember other facts about me. Do I have any family? Friends? How old am I? Do I have allergies? What was I like?

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