Chapter 4 - Hidden Identities

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BadBoyHalo hummed to himself as he walked through the village. His wounds are getting better day by day. He's even made friends with a hunter. Bad hopes Skeppy won't find out he's actually the wanted BBH and not a human named Darryl.

Suddenly Bad felt a tug on his sleeve. He stumbled into a small and quiet alleyway. It was dark and Bad couldn't see who whisked him in. He started to panic. Does someone know my real identity?! Am I going to die?!

"Don't make loud sounds or sudden movements, we'll be seen." The voice whispered.

Bad turned around and faced his "captor." "Who are you?!" He half whispered, half yelled.

The stranger has black hair and bangs that are split in the middle. He had a white bandana. Bad's "captor" wore a white shirt with a fire logo on it and a black high-collar shirt underneath.

The stranger replied, "I'm Sapnap."

"What?! Aren't you that Dream SMP hunter?!" Bad's heart beat even faster. He felt panic rising and he stepped backwards. Does he know?! Can I take him on?! How do I escape?!

"Calm down!" Sapnap sighed, "Look, I know you are BBH. I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help you."

Bad cautiously studied him, "Why would you help me? You're a hunter. You should be killing me or catching me."

"I'll just show you rather than tell you." Sapnap raised his arm with his palm upwards. His eyes glowed a golden orange, just like fire. Gold, orange, and scarlet veins glowed on his face. A second later, a flame appeared in Sapnap's palm. The fire that sat in his palm doesn't seem to hurt Sapnap at all.

"You-you're a fire elemental!" Bad exclaimed quietly, looking back to make sure no one was near.

Sapnap nodded grimly, "I never actually killed or harmed any non-human since I'm one myself. I joined the Dream SMP to blend in with the hunters so I would have a high chance of surviving.

Bad looked at him in astonishment, "That's smart! So you've been doing that all these years? That's just..." Bad couldn't quite grasp the right word for it. "That's just such an impossible thing to do! How?"

"Acting." Sapnap shrugged, "I want to help you. You have to cover up your real identity a lot, but it'll be hard with all the hunters around here. I know a lot of things about the hunters. I can help you figure out an escape route and make up-" Sapnap grimaced, "-and make up lies and excuses to hide your real identity."

"T-thank you!" Bad didn't know what to say. There is a overwhelming amount of joy and relief swelling up inside of him. Sapnap and him could be good friends. Bad can also be able to stay safe. This is just wonderful!

Sapnap took a deep breath, "there's actually another way to stay safe.... though I'm not sure you would want to do it."

Bad asked, "What is it?"

"You can become a hunter." Sapnap looked at Bad, "you can be like me. I think you can pull off the training with your non-human body. The Dream SMP won't mind. We're going to hunt for Technoblade so we can use all the help we can get. Skeppy would like your company. If I recommend you, they'll let you in more easily than others." Bad and Sapnap locked eyes, "The thing is, are you up for it? It's going to be safer but also harder."

"I..." Bad swallowed, "yes. I'll do it." His mind flashed to Technoblade. The name Technoblade seems familiar... right, he saw the wanted posters of him literally everywhere. Bad assumed the hunt for Technoblade is dangerous.

Sapnap nodded, "Alright. I'll get you to meet all the Dream SMP members that are here tomorrow at, uh, 3pm, probably. Are you free at 3pm tomorrow? The Dream SMP members here are all free at that time tomorrow."

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