Alois Ending

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   Pulling up the collar of your coat against the thin chilly breeze that came from the north; the weather was slightly turning colder with each passing day, however, you paid no heed to this and simply enjoyed the change in the weather. Rubbing your hands slightly against each other, you came to a stop upon finding yourself outside of a familiar ice cream parlor, the pastel cream color of the building sticking out among the dull colors of the surrounding buildings.

With a small stretch, you entered the ice cream parlor, the bell that hung above the door chiming as the door was opened. There was no one inside, the tables and the counter of the shop being devoid of any living person. You simply concluded that the old lady who owned the ice cream parlor was most likely somewhere in the back and you could only hope that she wouldn't rush just because you were the first person here.

Instead of heading to the counter, you walked over to one of the tables that was seated before the large windows at the front of the shop, sliding into the one of its chairs. With a small sigh you relaxed, leaning your arms against the table counter as your eyes peered outside the window of the small ice cream parlor, watching the people that passed as you waited.

The day itself was relatively nice, although some would be opposed to it, the sky itself was devoid of most clouds allowing the bright sun to shine down, giving some warmth to the otherwise chilly air. Shifting could be heard from the counter and curiously, you looked over in time to find the owner coming out from behind a door. The elderly lady had failed to notice you as she walked behind the counter seeming to be making sure that everything was running smoothly. Her eyes pulled up from the counter, widening in surprise upon noticing you.

"Oh! I didn't realize that you had come in dear," the elderly lady, Irene stated from where she was behind the counter. "You should have told me that you were here."

"I just didn't want to bother you Irene," you told her with a small smile shifting in the seat so that you could fully face her. She remained standing behind the counter, tending to the small machines and tools that was used to scoop the ice cream.

"Nonsense. It's always a joy to have you come here," Irene said as she stopped, her brown eyes focusing on where you sat at the table. "There hasn't been as much customers as of lately so it's nice to have a familiar face come to my shop."

"Is business going okay?" You asked her, genuinely worried as you had grown fond of the elderly woman because of her sweet and easy going nature, not to mention she always brought down the price whenever you would come to the shop.

"Don't worry too much about it," she reassured, waving her hand in dismissal as a small smile grew on her face. She turned, her back facing you as she fiddled with one of the equipment that was on the counter. "What would you like to drink dear?"

"I'll just take a coffee," you answered, watching as she began to make the drink and you comfortably adjusted yourself in the seat as you focused back on gazing outside the window. In the distance, gray clouds had slowly begun to form indicating that it would rain later in the day. You softly swore underneath your breath upon seeing this, regretting not having brought an umbrella for the day.

"Your coffee is ready."

Upon hearing the soft voice of Irene, you tore your gaze from the window and stood, slowly heading over to grab onto the coffee cup that was sitting on the counter. "Thanks Irene. How much is it?" You asked, reaching into your pockets to pull out the money that was inside.

"It's on the house," the elderly lady said with a reassuring smile knowing that you were about to protest and seeing that nothing would alter the mind of the shop owner, you gave her a smile and thanked her.

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