His Butler, Chance Encounter

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 You stood off to the corner of the living room as you watched both Angelina and Ciel play a game of chess before you. Sebastian stood behind Ciel's chair as he too watch the game in silence. You were intrigue by the game before you, for you never once played it before in your life. It just looked confusing, having to memorize where and how each game piece had to move and when.

Angelina having noticed your curiosity, gestured you over to where she sat across from Ciel in a chair. Glancing around perplexed, you made your way over to where she sat at, your keen eyes still glued onto the chess board. Angelina gave you a smirk as she said, "It's clear that you've never played chess before have you dear."

You blushed and shook your head to her. You muttered out a no as she gave you a sympathetic smile. She gestured over to the love seat that also sat besides the table that held the chess board. "Why don't you sit there that way you have a closer view of us playing. Maybe later the two of us could play together."

You sat down in the love seat and gave her a smile. "That sounds like fun Angelina. I would love to play a game of chess with you and maybe you could teach me how it works."

"That sounds lovely." She turned back toward Ciel who was quietly watching the two of you from his chair. "Shall we start a new game?" Angelina asked him as she placed her chess pieces back into their original positions.

"Sure why not, I have nothing to do for the rest of the day, but is this really a time for a game of chess," Ciel simply stated boredly.

"Obsessing about it won't help you solve the case. Why not just leave it all to Sebastian." Angelina suggested as she tilted her head at Ciel.

Your eyes traveled over to where Sebastian was now standing besides the glassware container, reading a stack of papers that were in his hands.

"Cause he's simply my chest piece," Ciel said as he reached out across the chess board and moved his piece. "I'm the one who moves him by giving him orders, but he's no ordinary piece." Angelina watched Ciel in quiet and at those words she tilted her head and gave him a confused expression. You could see that she had no clue what Ciel was trying to get at while you perfectly understood everything. "He can move in as many squares as he needs too," Ciel continued as he knocked over one of Angelina's white chess pieces. "Like that."

At this, Angelina looked shocked and outrage at what Ciel had done. "That was against the rules you know," she said sternly.

You keenly watched the two of them play the game, 'Nothing Ciel does is always fair,' you thought to yourself. You couldn't help but feel a strange vibe in the room and it seemed that it was coming from Sebastian, Angelina and Ciel. Honestly it was making you highly uncomfortable and all you did was shift in your seat. Your gaze once again shifted over to Sebastian and you couldn't help but feel that he was up to no good.

Ciel gave Angelina a smirk as he leaned forward and rested his chin onto the palm of his hands. "It would be if this was a game, but rules such as that has no true meaning in the real world. There are always knights that break the rules and pawns to betray. If you let your guard down. It's checkmate," he said as he slammed his chess piece onto the board.

"You must have had another option in life besides policing England's underworld," Angelina started to say to Ciel who reached over to grab a cup of tea. "I am sure my sister - your mother - wanted something else for you." Her eyes downcast as a look of grief crossed her face. Instantly knowing where this was going, you stood up from your seat about to excuse yourself. Ciel gestured you to sit, which was to your surprise and you did this without a word.

Angelina continued from what she was saying a moment from before, "And yet after their deaths you returned to be the Queen's guard dog. Is it because your trying to avenge your parents murder?"

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