Her Acquaintance, Rain

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 "Do you plan on going out today?" Mey-Rin lightly asked you, pausing from washing the dishes to glance to where you were drying them off and putting them away. You paused in step, the damp cloth you were using falling limp on the wet plate you held in your hand. With a small smile in her direction, you shook your head at her question.

"No, I think I'm going to stay in the manor for some time now. My time at Weston was enough outside interactions than I could handle," you softly told her as you dried another plate she had handed you before placing it back in the cabinet it belonged in. "Besides I rather spend my time with those I'm close and comfortable with, namely you and everyone here at the manor."

"Oh! Well! We'll be sure to make sure everything is to the best!" She happily declared, giving you a reassuring smile. "Finny, Baldroy and I will make sure that everything is okay for you."

You laughed, thankful for her positive outlook on things as you placed several silverware in their designated drawer. "Thank you Mey-Rin. I couldn't have asked for anybody else that I could call family."

A flustered look crossed Mey-Rin's face at your words, the rag she held falling limp in her hands. "I feel honored that you consider me to be family! Yes I do! If Bard was here, he'll probably say something about being so dense about this." She chuckled, clearly thinking about the cook as she placed the rag to the side of the sink done with the dishes. You put away the last of the dishes, wiping your damp hands on a hand towel as you turned to face her. "I wonder how long Sebastian and the young lord will be out today?"

"Ciel had informed me that it was an important case that the Queen had given him so I can only assume that the two of them will be gone from the manor for the entire game," you remarked, stretching a bit in place as your body was a bit sore from having to stand in the same position for the a while. "So I guess I would say that we have the manor to ourselves."

"And we managed to finish the chores so we have all the time to relax!" Mey-Rin cheerfully hummed, the two of you heading from kitchen and toward the main section of the manor. "Tanaka's gone from the manor as well so it really is just us servants. Hopefully Bard and Finny are done with their duties as well."

"Well Bard doesn't have to cook until later on today, so I'm sure that he doesn't have anything to do," you remarked thoughtfully, glossing over the duties that the others usually were entitled to do. "As for Finny, I'm not actually that sure. There's a chance he might be done. Or we can just convince him to do it later in the evening instead."

Mey-Rin giggled, amused at your comment. "Nah, we shouldn't do that to him." The two of you crossed into the main area of the manor, the tile floor transferring over to dark wood and the occasional carpet that was laid out. "What we have to do is find them first."

"And I have a feeling that's going to be difficult in this giant manor." You sighed, glancing up and down the hallways of the building, hoping to find the two males somewhere along its corridors. You didn't feel it in you to call out their names, a bit exhausted with everything that was going on, so you figured you might as well continue to search up and down the premises. Maybe Mey-Rin would take it upon herself to call out for them, you were sure they were more likely to hear her over you. The manor was quiet as ever, no sound was heard as the two of you walked, not even the creaks of the floorboards beneath your feet. You could only hope that you would find both Finny and Bard soon. You didn't want to have to search the entire manor just to find the two of them.

"Well we can write off the lower basement," Mey-Rin chimed, making you glance over to her, catching her in the act of adjusting her maid uniform. "I highly doubt that they would be down there. There really isn't a need for them to head there with the duties that they have."

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