Her Acquaintance, Visit

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   "I'm so glad we have the day off," Mey-Rin said with a yawn as she reached over to grab onto a sandwich that was in the picnic basket besides her. Baldroy nodded his head to where he sat at her side as he munch on another sandwich, his back lying in the ground.

"I can agree with you on that," he said. "With all the work that Sebastian was having us to do it's due time that we had a break." He then turned to face you to where you sat besides Finny, excitedly chatting with the blonde gardener. "Any plans for later on today?"

Finny turned to look at you expectantly and you gave him a smile as you shook your head. "Besides planning on spending my time with you three, honestly nothing at all." You let out a laugh as you fell back against Finny, your head resting in his lap.

A large blush came onto Finny's face as he glanced down at you with a soft expression. "I really don't plan on moving to much today," you told them with a sigh as you let out a yawn. "I'm sleep deprived and lazy today. All I want to do is sleep and hang out with you guys since I haven't spent time with you all in a while."

"That's true it seems like we all have been so busy lately we haven't had a chance to just spend time with each other," Bard said with a sigh as he finished stuffing the sandwich into his mouth and reached to take another.

"It's a good thing that we were able to have this small picnic outside the Phantomhive Manor, yes it is!" Mey-Rin exclaimed out happily with a smile on her face. "It's a shame that the young master and Sebastian couldn't join us for today."

You glanced up to the window which was Ciel's study room. "I asked him if he wanted to come with us, but he said that he had to much to do today work wise which is why he couldn't come. Though surprisingly it seemed that he did want to come." You sat back up as you reached into the picnic basket as you picked out a sandwich that was in it. At least Sebastian had managed to make the four of you sandwiches for the day before he had to go off helping Ciel.

"What's Tanaka been up to lately?" You asked them curiously realizing that you hadn't seen the chibi butler in a while.

Finny nodded as well. "I'm curious about it as well. It's been a while since I've last seen Tanaka."

Bard seemed to be pondering for a moment before snapping his fingers as if he finally realized something. "That's right I remember now. Ciel sent Tanaka out of the country for a business errand with another company which is why he's been gone since long."

"When is he coming back?" You asked as you munched on your sandwich savoring the taste. Have you ever stated that Sebastian's food was excellent. You probably did for plenty of times. You paid no attention to Finny who was playing with your hair as you focused on Bard.

"Hmm he's probably going to be coming back in another month," Bard said causing you to gape your month open at him.

"Another month," you exclaimed out in shock. "I wasnt aware that Tanaka would be gone for that long. I hope everything is going alright for him," you muttered underneath your breath thinking about the generous butler.

"I'm pretty sure that he would be fine," Finny assured causing you to sigh out and nod your head. You sat up from where you were lying in his lap to glance around the area. You were glad that it wasn't to cold out though the weather would occasionally take a drop with it being in January.

It had been a total of 10 months since you had arrived at the Phantomhive Manor and honestly you already feel that you were home. Thinking back on your life in your previous dimension, it felt more like an old memory that would be hard to remember. You had put the troubles of your old life away, only planning to live in the moment as of now.

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