His Butler, Able

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   About a month has passed since the book had sent you to the Black Butler dimension. Over the course of that time, you were gradually becoming accustom to the rules and concepts that were used in this world. You had already learned all the duties that were expected out of you and had become great friends with the rest of the servants, especially Mey-Rin.

You snuggled deeper into the cozy covers of your bed and let out a deep sigh. 'Im surprised, I expected the beds to be uncomfortable and hard.' Oh how you loved this place so much. You were thankful that the book had sent you here of all places. Who knows it could have ended up sending you to the Diabolik Lovers dimension. You let out a shudder of the mention of that name. 'I mean who would really want to be the blood bag of six wait no ten vampires.'


You paused thinking that you were hearing things, before continuing on with your thought process. Ciel had slowly started to warm up to you which made you very happy, for it seemed that he now trusted you. Maybe the two of you were getting closer to the point of friends.. maybe.

"(Y/N)." A hand shook your shoulder, making you let out a groan as you brushed it off and you burrowed even more beneath the warmth of the sheets. Once again the hand nudge you even harder and you threw off the covers in response. Rubbing your eyelids, you turned​ your heavy, tired eyes toward the figure besides you, recognizing Mey-Rin by her frizzy red hair and her large glasses.

She looked down at you with an inquisitive glance as a smile came onto her face. She let out a small chuckle as you slid out of bed and stood besides her, ruffling your crazy bedhair. "Are you finally awake now?" She asked as she backed away as she gave you room to stretch.

You arched your back as a yawn passed through your lips and you let out a small nod. "Thanks to you I am," you said sarcastically, glancing her way.

Mey-Rin let out a smile as she shrugged her shoulders. "Well we have our duties to do, yes we do! Not only that, but i heard we have another guest arriving today to discuss some business matters with the young master."

This caught your attention as you snapped your head toward Mey-Rin. "Another guest!?"

Mey-Rin nodded, "Yes I heard his name was Lord Damian and that he is the owner of the Poseidon Company's Indian Factory that makes supplies and stuffed animals for the young master's company."

"Hmm that's nice to know beforehand," you said. 'It seems like the main timeline is starting and just when i thought that the dimension had somehow gotten jumbled up or something. Now onto the action!'

"Oh by the way (Y/N). Do you remember the last guest we had. I think his name was.. Lord Edgar.. yes yes it was!"

"Oh Lord Edgar, yeah I do remember him." 'He was the bastard that tried to harm Ciel.' "What about him?"

The look of Mey-Rin's face was one of concerned and you already could guess that 'something' had happened to him. "Well it seems that he suddenly went missing and the police can't find him at all. I wondered what could have happened to him. I hope he's alright."

"Don't worry Mey-Rin i'm sure the police will find him in no time and there must be a reason why he disappeared. Maybe he's in a better place right now," you said trying to reassure her. 'He's definitely in a place no one will find him, thanks to Sebastian and I,' you thought as you let out a dark chuckle.

"(Y/N) is something wrong," Mey-Rin asked you a puzzled expression on her face.

You jumped as you quickly shook your head at her. "Of course not I'm perfectly fine."

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