His Butler, Training

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   The cigarette fell out of Bard's mouth as he gazed at the scene before him in horror. "He's gone.. bloody hell," he whispered out as he along with you and the other servants stared into the bloody cage. You heard footsteps running toward you from behind and you turned around to see Sebastian and Ciel dash up to you guys, Angela on their tail.

Coming to a halt, Angela stared down into the cage, a look of shock evident on her face. "Where is Lord Barrymore?" She exclaimed out. Your eyes gazed at her worried expression knowing that she was just acting all along, for she was the only one who had probably told Pluto to kill Lord Barrymore. Not that you mind anyway, you thought with a shrug. 'That bastard deserved to die, so she actually did me a favor.'

It was then that you heard pounding on the door from upstairs, causing you all to turn around and glance up the stairs. "I should get that," Angela said as she raced up the stairs, all of you following after her. As soon as you reached the first floor, you watched as she let a guy come in and immediately, he collapsed onto the floor, streaks of water running off his clothes. Hold on! 'That's the same guy who had caught me as a cat earlier!'

"The demon hound," he muttered out, snapping you out of your thoughts and you glanced down at him. He glanced up to look each one of you in the eyes, "The demon hound is here."

Everyone let out a gasp as they stared down at the man. "The demon hound," Mey-Rin whispered out. "But I thought it was nothing but Lord Barrymore in disguise."

"It seems that there was an actual hound to begin with," you whispered underneath your breath to her, Finny and Bard who was nearby leaned into the conversation.

"But there can't be such a thing as a demon hound," Finny whispered to you guys.

"Idiot," Bard harshly whispered out. "If (Y/N) can be a magic-user, then why can't there be a possibility that demon hounds can exist!"

Finny slowly nodded as his eyes glanced over to you. "You're right about that. I wonder if there's a possibility that grim reapers and demons can exist as well," he questioned.

'You're actually right on point Finny,' you sweat dropped at this. 'In fact we practically live with a demon in the manor.'

"You all let's go," you heard Ciel sharply say to the four of you and you followed after him and the man lead you guys to the site you had been earlier where James's dog had been killed. Growing up closer to the site, you heard the howling of dogs and the chanting of the village people.

"Whats happening?" You heard Sebastian said out as you guys came to a stop on the outer ring of the people.

'Looks like they've gone crazy again,' you thought as the chanting of the people caused goosebumps to erupt along your arm. Your gaze drifted forward to see a bloodied body of Lord Barrymore propped against the wall of the structure. His eyes were clearly void of life, and as soon as Finny and Mey-Rin saw the body they let out a startled scream.

You watched as Sebastian and Ciel give each other a look and Sebastian headed up to closer examine the body. You made your way over to Ciel and for a split second your tail brushed against his bare leg and he gave you a perplexed look. You shrugged and gave him a sheepish smile, before your expression hardened as you looked back over to the body.

A sharp gasp was heard at your side and you glanced over to see Angela's body collapse down to the ground. 'Such good acting,' you thought as you watched Finny run over to her and pick up her body in his arms, gazing down at her in worry.

In the next moment, you stood along with Ciel, Sebastian, Mey-Rin, Finny, and Bard in an empty study room. Angela had been brought back to her room to let her rest, however you knew that she was probably up with Pluto this very moment. Ciel sat in the chair before you, lost in thought, probably rethinking over everything that had just happened.

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