Her Acquaintance, Confusion

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"She's been in there for a while."

"Do you think she'll be okay."

You ignored the whispers of the servants from outside your door, instead only pulling the covers tighter around your body to burrow yourself deeper into the comforts of your bed. You knew they were worried about you, it had been days since you had last exited your room, but you didn't feel the strength to move. You hadn't eaten anything in the last days, hadn't had a restful sleep and the only times you would actually pull yourself up from your bed would be to go to the bathroom.

Ciel and Finny would come to visit although their visits would be brief as you didn't feel like talking. Mey-Rin and Baldroy had stopped coming in the after a while once they realized that their words wouldn't be enough to help and although you felt bad for closing off from your new family, you just didn't feel it in you to go reassure them. As for Sebastian, he would always continue to bring you food each day... and always have to take out the untouched plates.

"You know you're going to have to eat one of these days," a voice stated followed by a dip in the bed at your side. You turned away from the person, already deducing from the sound of the voice that it was Ciel, however, you didn't feel like talking to him, talking to anyone at this point. "And you're going to have to come out of this suffocating room."

You ignored him, staying quiet underneath the mountain of sheets that rested on your bed and you heard him release a tired sigh. In the next second, the covers you laid comfortable under were yanked off of your figure earning him a mutter of protest from you. "Leave me alone Ciel. I just want to stay in this bed."

"You've been doing that for five days (Y/N), it's not healthy," Ciel demanded, locking gazes with your tired stare. "You haven't been sleeping have you?" He quietly whispered, his eye wide with worry.

"No, I'm having trouble sleeping," you slowly admitted. "And no I don't want to ask Sebastian for help," you added knowing exactly what Ciel would ask of you.

"But still this isn't good for you (Y/N). There are other things you can do then wallow in this bed," Ciel argued.

"What and seek revenge like you. Let it take up my life and become obsessed with it," you angrily retorted, twisting around to glare at the younger boy.

He was quiet, carefully watching your angry self from where he sat on the bed. There was no anger in his single blue eye, no disdain from what you had said only sorrow, sympathy at the state you were in and the pain you were experiencing.

You shrunk away from his gaze, turning your face away from him regretting the words that you had spat in his face. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that, but I don't want your pity. This is my own doing."

"(Y/N), this is not your fault," Ciel corrected. "You were never the cause to your parents death nor are you denied the ability to mourn over them. It takes time."

"But I thought that I had come to terms with their death," you sadly protested. "It had been years since they've died, yes I miss them terrible, but I've accepted the fact that they're gone. It's just after seeing that record, seeing that they were betrayed by a magic-user and close friend of all people and actually murdered it was just... just-"

"To much for you to handle," Ciel sympathetically whispered and you nodded not wanting to voice out anymore of your suffering.

"Yes, I know this is upsetting and overwhelming, I've gone through the same thing, but locking yourself away from the people who worry and care for you and starving yourself won't do you any good," Ciel explained.

You sighed, pulling yourself up from where you had draped yourself across the bed and you leaned your back against the headrest facing Ciel. "I know and I hate knowing that the others are worrying about me, but still I just don't really feel like doing anything."

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