Grell Ending

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   "Are you sure about this?"

Those were the first words that Ciel had asked when you had told him the news, clearly uncertain with all that you had said. The earl sat behind his desk in his study room, a stack of papers placed in front of him, but they remained ignored as Ciel's full attention was placed on you instead. Currently only Ciel and you were in the study room. Sebastian was somewhere in the manor most likely tending to his own duties and the same could be said for the other servants.

"I had already made up my mind when they first asked me for help," you answered from where you stood in front of the large desk. It was easy to see the hesitant expression that was on the earl's face as he leaned forward in his seat to rest his elbows against the counter. "Besides it shouldn't be all that bad since I've helped them before."

"But that doesn't mean you won't be hurt this time," Ciel reasoned, trying his best to convince you not to go, however, you merely gave a shake of his head.

"Nothings going to happen to me Ciel. Don't worry, I'll be able to make sure that nothing happens besides I'm sure that Grell and the others would have my back," you reasoned, still seeing nothing wrong with you leaving.

The reapers had once again asked you to assist them with a few missions that they were planning on doing and having helped them before, you had quickly agreed. Lately, the reapers had been asking for your assistance on several missions and as you had been frequently traveling to their headquarters to assist them, they had allowed you to know the location of the Grim Reapers Headquarter.

Truthfully, you always looked forward to being able to help the reapers. It was a nice feeling being able to use your magic to assist the reapers with their cases especially as you hadn't used your magic as much as you usually did ever since you had come back.

Though being able to use your magic wasn't the only reason why you would take up their offer to assist them on missions. Having joined them on numerous cases, you would frequently be paired with Grell and working together with the red haired reaper was certainly the highlight of the missions.

Being able to rely on each other during cases was one of the things that you loved about being partners not to mention you had grown closer to the red haired reaper during the time. His humorous personality always brightened up the dreariness of situations and you've become quite comfortable with the tall reaper.

Ciel was quiet for a moment and it was clear that he was thinking about the situation, but soon he sighed and he glanced up to focus his full attention on you. "You've done this before and you're perfectly capable of defending yourself." He sighed once again before giving you a small smile. "I don't mind with you going. How long are you going to be gone for?

"William said that he wanted me to be there for a week. There's several cases that he wanted me to help on," you responded, causing Ciel to sigh deeply upon hearing. It was clear to see that he thought that a week was a lengthy time and it was only when you had said this that he grew more uncertain. However, he didn't say more to this as he had already agreed to let you go.

"Take care (Y/N). Be sure not to do anything risky," Ciel said and you gave him a reassuring smile.

"Be sure to tell Sebastian and the others that I left," you asked of the young earl and he nodded his head in answering. "I'll see you and the others once I come back."

With a wave to Ciel and a merry goodbye, you turned to leave the study room and made your way back into the hallway. You closed the door behind you as you stepped out into the hallway, the last sound that came from inside the study room was that of a sigh.

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