Her Acquaintance, Lessons

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   "Daddy," a younger you cried out to your tall father as you notice him walking into the living room. You slid off of the couch as you scampered over to him and clung onto his leg.

"Hey sweetie," he said as he leaned down to pick you up, a large smile on his face.

"Where's Mister Malcom?" You asked him and you saw emotion flicker in his eyes at the mention of the name.

"He got in a bit of trouble so I'm going to have to get him out of it," your father said as he made his way into the kitchen where your mother was cooking at.

"Why do you hang out with Mister Malcom if he always gets in trouble?" You asked him curiously as he settled you down into a chair and your mother slid a plate to you.

Both your parents exchanged looks as your father settled down in the seat besides you. "Well Mister Malcom and I go way back. We've know each other ever since highschool. As friends we're suppose to help each other out in hard times."

"Hmm okay!" You exclaimed out as you began to eat your food.

You stirred softly in bed, your eyes blinking open against the bright blinding light of the sun as you shifted in place. You let out a very needed yawn and realized that for once you had actually had the best sleep since you had, ever since the incident at the Trancy Manor. It was suddenly then that your figure tensed upon feeling a pressure tighten around your waist and you glanced behind to see a very familiar Earl clinging to you.

Shock raced through you as your cheeks let up like fireworks and you stared down at Ciel in surprise. The feeling eventually muted as you glanced down at him and you remembered what had happened yesterday. The whole incident with the doll and Ciel having his nightmare. You twisted to your other side as you laid down again and gazed upon his sleeping face.

A small smile soon crossed your own as you watched the peaceful expression he had, sensing his chest moving up and down as he breathed. He seemed a lot more relaxed than he did the night before and you couldn't help but wonder if it had been due to you.

You reached out and twirled a curl of his hair that had fallen into his face and you lightly rubbed his head. Some feeling from inside you made your heart clench up and you brought your head back to your side. It was definitely a weird one and seemed slightly familiar although you couldn't put your finger on it as it soon faded away.

You glanced up only to slightly flinch upon seeing that large blue eyes were gazing back at you, and you couldn't read the emotions that were flickering inside. "Good morning Ciel," you said whispered softly with a small smile as you watched the boy. "How are you feeling?"

Ciel was quiet for a moment, his line of sight lingering on you before glancing down to where his arms were still wrapped around your figure. Letting out a sigh in which you couldn't decipher, he released his grip on you as he pushed himself up to sit. "A lot better than yesterday, thanks to you," he said as you joined him.

His royal blue eyes flickered onto your own (E/C) ones, keeping your gazes locked onto each other. Your ears begin to grow hotter the longer the two of you glanced at each other and you glanced away from his piercing gaze. "I'm glad you're better," you told him with a sigh of relief feeling your body grow warmer. "It's probably about time we got up."

You begin to shift the covers down from your legs as you shuffled your way over to the edge of the bed only to stop upon feeling something grab the wrist of your hand and you glanced back to find that Ciel had stopped you. "Wait," he said and his eyes were large, conflict flickering in them.

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