Her Acquaintance, Pieces

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 Warning there are dark themes in this chapter

"We keep on going," Grell responded as he pushed himself up onto his feet. He reached a hand down to you, which you took, and he hoisted you up onto your own feet. "You don't have to worry about the two of them. Both William and Ronald have done some difficult cases so they'll be fine."

"Well if you say so," you stated as you glanced around. The stone tendrils of vines caught your attention leading you to head over to investigate them. They had snaked up from the ground in thick clusters, reaching up to touch the ceiling and preventing you from crossing over.

"There's no way we can get back over," Grell stated watching as you wrapped a hand around a thick vine. "Like I said we'll just have to keep heading further down this cavern. Maybe by then we'll have run across Ronald and William further down."

You released a sigh, your gaze darting back and forth in the area behind the vines desperately hoping that William or Ronald would miraculously appear out from around the corner. Separating in a place such as this one didn't feel like a good idea and you could only wish the two reapers luck as you turned back to face Grell.

A low gutteral groan from the other side only made you worry more as you turned away.

"Let's continue," you told the red hair reaper, throwing a worried glance back as the two of you ventured into another tunnel.

You felt even more vulnerable with it being just the two of you and you stood closer to Grell as you walked. The cold air continued to blow from further in the dark depths of the cavern, the jagged stalactites so similar to the teeth of a great beast leered at you and it seemed that both you and Grell were intentionally walking into the gaping mouth of it.

"All this walking is seriously such a pain. Do you really think we'll find anything here?" Grell complained.

"We have to. I mean there's no other reason as to why the clues would lead us here," you softly protested while Grell and you crept around a bend of the pathway. "There has to be a reason as to why we're here and I'm not going anywhere until I find it!"

"Ooh! I really like the devoted drive that you have!" Grell exclaimed. "It's one of the things that I love about you."

You laughed as you walked, Grell's motivating words making you completely forget the dark horrors of the cavern. "Thanks," you told him as you walked.

You ran a hand over the damp wall of the cave in an attempt to keep yourself stable, the dew drops coating your hand in a thin layer and making you a lot colder than you already were. Grell noticed your shivering form as you walked alongside him further into the ominous passage way.

You clutched an arm closer to your being, quickly rubbing your other freezing arm with your hand in an attempt to warm yourself up. This however, proved to be fruitless as no matter how much you rubbed your arm you still remained cold.

A warm touch nuzzled your hand and you snapped your head over in surprise to find that Grell had entangled his hand with yours. Although it didn't really do much, you were still grateful for the gesture and everything.

"It may not do much, but I still hate to see you so cold. I could only hope that it would be enough to provide you with some warmth," Grell stated, his phosphorescent eyes gazing into your own.

"Well it's the thought that counts doesn't it," you answered with a smile. You glanced off to the side slightly bashful before replying with a thanks.

You couldn't help but wonder how Ronald and William were coping themselves. You knew you really didn't have to worry much about them, like Grell had said the two of them were perfectly fine taking care of themselves.

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