Her Acquaintance, Games

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   "Come I had Claude prepare a special stage just for the game," Alois said as he headed out toward the back of the manor, you and the others following him. It wasn't until that you had reached the outside that you gazed in shock at the large arena that Claude had made. It was a massive thing, one that was almost larger than the house and the set up was very similar to the board game of chess. Large black and white pieces sat on the squares and adorned behind the board was a large stone statue of a Buddha.

Claude approached Alois and bowed down to him. "I have fixed everything to be the way that you want it to be I hope it is to your liking," he said as Alois's eyes scrutinized the arena before letting out an approved nod.

"It's perfect ," Alois said and turned to face Ciel and Sebastian pulling you closer to his side.

"Alois," you began to say slowly as you glanced back and forth between him and Ciel. "Are you so sure about this, it would just be easier if you would allow me to go home."

"No!" Alois said as his grip on you tightened and he turned around to look at you with fear in his eyes. "I can't lose another person close to me again. I can't bear having to be alone again."

"That doesn't mean," you began to say but was cut off from Ciel speaking.

"Like I said before whoever of our butlers wins this game, (Y/N) would be allowed to stay with that person at the manor," Ciel said as he headed his way up to the board surveying it. Sebastian looked at ease at his side and his fuchsia colored gaze glanced over to look at you. He gave you a smile as if letting you know that things were going perfectly to plan, however you could only give him a weak meager smile back.

It was obvious to you that it would seem like a battle to the death, however you knew for a fact that none of the demons that would partake in it would actually end up dying. You knew any second now that the so called game would begin and you could only look desperate back and forth between the others and you could feel that the time was growing near.

It seemed that Hannah and the triplets would also be joining in on the game and you knew that Alois was serious if he would have them join. "Deal," Alois said giving consent to Ciel's proposal as he gave him a stern look.

This wasn't the playful, childish Alois that you had remembered. At the mention of you leaving, he had grown serious quite the opposite of what you were use to him being. It was suddenly then that a bell rung out, echoing throughout the entire property of the manor and you flinched upon hearing it.

Suddenly, Ciel ripped off the eye patch that he was wearing, turning to face Sebastian his eye glowing he ordered, "Win this and make sure that (Y/N) is brought back to where she belongs." Sebastian bowed down to him, saying that he would. It was then that you knew that things were getting serious and you turned to see that Alois was doing the same with Claude.

"Make sure you win so that (Y/N) stays here!" He ordered out to Claude who kneel down to him and told him that he would.

You could only help but glance between the four of them perplexed at what to do and you took a small step toward Ciel, however Alois's grip on your wrist made you stop from moving forward. "While our butlers fight it out, there is a viewing room that the three of us can go to watch," Alois said as he took a step in the direction of the room.

Ciel nodded before giving a glance back at Sebastian. "Make sure you win this," you happened to catch to hear him say and he began to follow after you and Alois. You glanced back to see Sebastian, Claude and the rest of the demons head onto the board and from what you could see you were certain that Hannah and the others were holding weapons.

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