Her Acquaintance, Alois

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   You were currently wandering around the Trancy Manor alone, the others seeming to be busy for the day. With nothing to do yourself, you had been exploring the rest of the Trancy Manor. From what you had been told from the triplets and Claude as well, Alois was busy with some type of work and would be busy for a while.

With nothing to do, you were currently bored and had resulted to wandering throughout the manor to ease your boredom. Your hand slipped into the pocket of your outfit pulling out the wind up key that you had happened to find in the clock the first night that you had arrived at the Trancy Manor. You were still curious as to what it could represent and why it was a puzzle to this mystery. It was clear that the Kumo was a clue to lead you to the wind up key and you knew that it had to be something important as well.

With a sigh, you slid it back into your pocket knowing that it wouldn't be any help as of now. It had been a total of two days since you had been at the Trancy Manor this being your second day. You couldn't help but wonder when Ciel would come to get you. By now he would be getting curious as to why you hadn't returned to the manor and you were sure that he was most likely looking into it.

It was still early in the morning and you were hungry due to you not having any breakfast yet. 'Maybe I should head to the kitchen to see if i can find anything to eat,' you thought to yourself as you began to make your way toward where Claude had showed you where the kitchen was.

Heading to the kitchen, you couldn't help but wonder what sort of work Alois was having to do. The moments yesterday were a lot funner than you expected them to be. Of course Alois had his moments but throughout most of the day it was fun to hang out with him. Not to mention you were really happy at the fact that he had bought you that Prince Soma doll.

You couldn't help but laugh at the fact that you had found a doll here that was a look alike of Prince Soma. 'Maybe I should start a Black Butler plushi collection,' you thought with a laugh.

By now you were almost close to the kitchen and it was then that you happened to hear humming coming from the direction of it. It was a feminine voice meaning that clearly had to be Hannah. Peering around the corner, you came to find Hannah working in the kitchen, plates of food laid out on the counter.

You made your way and cleared your throat to let her know that you were there. "Hey Hannah I'm guessing you're making breakfast for Alois."

"Oh good morning (Y/N), how are you and yes this is breakfast for you and the young master." Hannah said as she turned to face you, placing another plate on to the counter.

"I'm doing good," you said with a smile. "Wait! Hold up! Me as well!" You exclaimed out surprised.

Hannah nodded her head and she gave you a small smile. "His highness wanted you to join him for breakfast today. He said that you deserved the best of the best for all the trouble he's given you."

'He actually said that,' you thought to yourself startled that he would say such a thing. "Do you need any help?" You asked her shaking your head to clear your thoughts and flashed her a smile.

"Are you sure? I'm perfectly able to get all of this," she said.

You arched an eyebrow as you glanced down at the large number of plates that rested on the counter. "Nonsense, with all this here you're going to need some help and I don't mind. Besides I got nothing better to do." Heading forward, you picked up a platter that carried a stack of pancakes and just a whiff of it began to make your stomach growl. 'i can't wait to eat this,' you thought.

"Oh thank you," Hannah said looking flustered as she went around the table managing to grab a lot more plates than you were capable of holding.

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