His Butler, Up In Flames

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The floor continued to sway beneath your feet, rocking ever so slowly from left to right, the almost dizzying action making you clutch onto the crates that were stacked around you in hopes not to fall off balance. In the dim lighting of the area, you noted that there was a aisle that led exactly down the middle of the quarters, heading to a location you couldn't exactly make out to be.

"Where am I?" These words were muttered underneath your breath as you glanced around, trying to discern where exactly you found yourself to be. The floor gently shook underneath you once again, the sudden action making you mutter underneath your breath as you were thrown off balance once again. The sharp scent of salt lingered in the air, so much so that you could practically taste it in your mouth. Pausing for a moment, you realized that the distant sound of crashing was heard from outside the walls... Which sounded very similar to the sound of crashing waves.

"Don't tell me I'm on a boat." Not only were you separated from both Sebastian and Ciel, someone had taken you from the hotel and placed you on a boat to who knows where. Bitter irritation and fear crept through you upon realizing the severity of the situation. Could it have been Him who had done it. The nightmare from before flashed through your mind and internally you shivered at the upsetting memories that followed it. Quickly, you shoved the memory out of your head wanting nothing more than to forget about it.

"Hello!" You called out, the loud cry ringing against the metals of the walls and seeming to do nothing more than to bounce back to you. There was no answer to your desperate cry and you figured that you were alone wherever this place was. Most likely the cargo area seeing as how there were crates scattered around.


The sudden, familiar call of your name made you gasp. A sense of delight washed over at the sound of the voice and desperately, you began to search through the cargo trying to locate the source.

"Ciel! Is that you? Where are you?"

He called out your name once again, and thankfully, it sounded closer this time. Madly desperate to find him, you quickened your haste, scowering for that one person who always brought a sense of familiarity wherever you were. Something touched the shoulder of your shirt, making you jumped alarmed and quickly, you turned around, as a relieved smile crossed your face.

"How did you get here?!" Ciel asked this before you got the chance to say anything, but he had asked the very same question that you were going to ask of him. "First Sebastian, then you. Both of you left me behind! I was nothing but alone at the hotel and for the entire day. Do you know how... How difficult it was? How could you abandon me like that?"

Abandon him? What was he talking about? The smile sunk from your face once realizing the dire recollection behind his words. He had woken up to find that you were missing from the hotel room and no matter how long he had searched, you were no where to be found. You couldn't blame him for thinking that you had abandoned him. Especially when Sebastian had done the exact thing. That dang demon.

You pursed your lips upon thinking about him, a bit disappointed that he had left, practically abandoned Ciel to fend for himself in a unfamiliar city. You would be exchanging a few words with the demon the next time you saw him. With a small smile, you reached out and placed your hands onto the shoulders of the boy in hopes of calming him down, and Ciel instantly glanced up, uncertainty clear in his eye.

"Ciel, I would never abandon you. I promised that I would stay by your side and I failed to keep my promise. I'm sorry that I wasn't there, I really am, but I couldn't exactly help it." There was a questioning look in his eyes when you had said this, clearly wanting to know the reason why you hadn't been at the hotel. You bit the bottom of your lip, growing worried yourself at the situation before explaining. "From what I remember, it was only moments ago that I had fallen asleep at the hotel. But when I woke up, I found myself here in the cargo area of the ship. I don't know how or why, but I think someone kidnapped me from the room and brought me here."

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