His Butler, Merrymaking

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   "Holiday, holiday! We're going on a holiday! Holiday, holiday! We're going on a holiday," Mey-Rin, Finny, and Baldroy cheered out as the carriage lurched down the dirt road, following after Ciel's carriage.

You listened to the servants cheering with a smile on your face, as you curled up even further in your seat. You peered over the side of the wagon to see it heading further into the country landscape. A long winding road slithered ahead of both of the carriages and it had been a long journey just to get here. The servants continued to cheer at your side, happy that they would get to go on another vacation, not knowing what Ciel was really bringing them into.

This was the beginning of the episode His Butler, Merrymaking and this would slowly begin the deal with Angela/Ash and you knew that there was going to be a lot of deadly possibilities soon to come. Though you couldn't care less for you were going to be meeting Pluto! He was so cute even if he was naked the entire time.

"This is so exciting, I can't believe it!" Finny exclaimed out to the others.

Mey-Rin nodded enthusiastically, both the palms of her hands touching her cheeks as she said, "Spectacular! He's actually bringing us! We get to go on holiday at the queens own resort!"

"It looks like the young master can be quite generous when the spirit moves him aye?" Bard said and the others nodded their head in agreement with a humm. "I'm just surprised that he actually considered to take us on a vacation, heck even go on another one especially since we went on a picnic just a couple of days ago."

"I'm just glad we get to get away from that suffocating mansion," you said out loud as you stretched in your seat, your body stiff after sitting for so long. Readjusting your position, you pulled up your legs underneath you, not caring that your dress was sorta high on your thighs. "I've had enough of all the work i've been having to do and it's even worse with Ciel ordering me around since the picnic," you said in a despairing tone.

"Well hopefully with this trip, you'll be able to relax and rest," Finny said happily.

"Maybe so," you said, however you knew for a fact that you would be getting no rest at all during this trip. A slight tensing in your scalp, made you wince in uncomfort and you reached a hand up to lightly rub it. Every since you had woke up this morning, the top of your head had been giving you slight pain and you were confused as to why.

"Indeed. It seems we've arrived at the village everyone," you heard Sebastian's from ahead and you and the other servants looked ahead to see a giant dead tree and a broken sign in front of you. But the thing about this tree was that every one of it's dead branches was filled with hanging dog collars and you couldn't hid your disgust upon seeing the skulls and bones of dogs littered at it's base.

The servants screamed out in horror upon seeing the sight in front of them.

Ciel was unaffected as he said, "Oh yes, I forgot to mention something: the resort that the queen is planning is yet to be constructed."

The servants were downcast as tears streamed down the faces, their bodies hunched over in disappointment as they replied, "Yes master," to him.

"Ho ho," Tanaka said.

Sebastian started up the carriage once again and with that, you guys continued on your way down the road, the town getting closer with each distance traveled. The more you got closer to the place, you couldn't help but get a weird vibe from the atmosphere (probably because of the fog) and you didn't like it at all. It seemed somehow.. that there was a vibe of death in the air and you were sure that is must have been because of the reputation of the place.

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