Her Acquaintance, Reaper's Quarters

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   "Pluto!" You called out in delight, watching with amused eyes as the very said demon hound pranced around in the back fields of the manor. You huddled your arms around your figure, the slight chill of the evening caressed at your skin and although you enjoyed it, it was becoming a bit to cold for you.

Earlier that very same morning, you had stumbled across another wrapping bag at the entrance of the manor to find that it was left for you. You weren't all to surprised to find that it was another gift from Soma, the gift this time consisting of two dolls that were very much identical to Ronald and Grell.

The weather was still cold on most days, however, you were glad that there were times when you were granted some occurrences of the warmer weather, even if those times were rare. If one would look just closely, they would be able to pinpoint the tiny blossoming growth of new buds which indicated the beginning of spring.

Pluto bounded his way over to you, a large ball - one that was shaped for a canine his size - was propped in his mouth, he having just previously played with it earlier. "You're such a good boy," you crooned out, your hands coming up to rub his furry snout. Pluto dropped the dull colored ball to the side, the force of the ball hitting the ground surprisingly shaking the area you sat at.

Ignoring the item, your gaze remained on Pluto's towering figure, his warm gaze glancing into your own, while his tail wagged in a frenzied way letting you know that he was very much so enjoying the attention. After a while he finally pulled back, for once actually contempt with the love that you had given him, before rising back to his feet only to glance at the ball.

Immediately, you knew what he was hinting at. He wanted to play fetch with the ball, hence why he had dropped it off near your feet. "I'm sorry boy, but I won't be able to lift it. I may be strong, but my strength is nothing compared to Finny's," you hushed out with an apologetic smile.

Pluto let out a whine, clearly upset that you wouldn't be able to play with him. After a moment of dejectedly gazing at you, his ears and tail suddenly perked up, his large fluffy head whipping to the side in excitement. Curious as to what had perked the spirits of the canine, your eyes glanced over to find Finny casually strolling down the side of the manor toward the two of you. It was in that moment that his gaze had caught yours, his demeanor seemed to suddenly perked up, an overjoyed grin laced his lips and he fastened his pace over to you.

"Pluto!" Finny excitedly shouted upon noticing the hound next to you. This shout in turn led to Pluto releasing an excited bark himself, prompting the hound to charge his way straight toward Finny's approaching figure. You slowly trailed after the speeding hound, giggling to yourself in amusement at the twos sillyness. "There you go boy!" Finny called out, holding onto Pluto's front torso to then collapse onto his back bringing the canine with him.

Bouts of happy laughter left Finny's lips, this in turn leading you to join him once you had stepped up to where he and Pluto laid. "It's good to see you Finny," you laughed, coming to gaze down at the said gardener, the shadow from your figure falling on Finny and the grass that rested beneath him.

Finny's turquoise eyes peeked up at you, the swirls of the sea water color being a stark contrast to the dark green of the grass beneath his head. His eyes embarrassedly widened, before a smile graced his lips as he beamed up at you, a rosy hue adorned on his cheeks. "(Y/N)!" He explained happily, pulling himself to his feet so that he was standing at your level. It was then that his overjoyed demeanor faded, the emotion soon being replaced by worry. "Are you doing alright?"

You were caught in surprise at his sudden question, though you knew that you should have been expecting it. A reassuring smile crossed your features, a hand coming up to sheepishly run through your hair. "Doing much better matter of fact," you cheerfully told him. "I'm not having anymore nightmares thanks to Sebastian's tea and the spells I've been using. They surprisingly work wonders!"

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