Her Acquaintance, Daily Life at Weston's

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   You hummed out as you glanced down at the list that was in your hands before letting out a small nod. "I think that everything on the list," you mumbled out underneath your breath.

You had gone out to do a little shopping in town. The food and other necessities back at the town house had slowly begun to run out and you figured you might as well go and grab some things.

You straightened up as you placed the list into the pocket of your pants. Lately, you had begun to ditch the simple dresses that you had used to wear and instead wore outfits that ha consisted of pants and shirts. Dresses were fine, but overtime you had wanted to wear clothes that you were normally used to when you were back in your old dimension. They were far more comfortable and dresses never really gave you any room to move like you wanted to.

Satisfied that you had gotten everything that you need, you began to make your way back toward the town house. Well dressed business men and high rich ladies passed by you, though none of them paid attention to you as you perfectly blended in with the lower class.

'The party last night was so much fun!' You happily thought to yourself, the bag you carried swinging from your arm. Both you and Edward had strolled across the rest of the grounds before heading back to the party. You had met other guests that night which was delightful and and had danced with Edward.

You had noticed that Clayton had also showed up as well, though you didn't get a chance to talk to him like you wanted to. Cheslock had remained to the side of the party, not engaging in any of the conversations which made you wonder why he had come.

And as much as you hated to admit it, you were glad that you didn't get to see Tina for the rest of the night. Something about her had pegged you the wrong way and you did all you could to stay away from her the entirety of the night.

Humming a happy tune underneath your breath, you continued to make your way down the street. Ciel had said that he was heading back to Weston College. From what you remembered he wanted to see the daily schedule they had there at the school that way he could add it to his letters back to the Queen.

You were fine with that as you would be able to spend more time with Edward, something that you had wanted to do more ever since the party last night.

As you walked, you didn't notice the presence that was following you, and you blindly continued to head down the street. Because of this, you failed to notice that hand that was reaching out to touch you. The hand touched your shoulder, this causing you to flinch and you immediately spun around to face the person.

"Undertaker!" You exclaimed out in shock as you came to face the ever so familiar grim reaper.

"(Y/N), it's ever so good to see you again deary," The Undertaker greeted with a cackle as a wide grin grew onto his face. "It's feels like its been a good while since I've last seen you."

A large smile came onto your face as your shock vanished. "Undertaker! It's so good to see you again!" You happily chipped out.

It had been a while since you had last seen the Undertaker from what you could guess maybe a month or two. You had just gotten so busy with the crazy events that had been popping up in your life that you never had a chance to go and see the reaper.

"How have you been doing all this time?" You asked him as the two of you began to walk, this time your destination being no where. "Oh and what are you doing in this part of London? Usually you'll be over by your shop."

"Ah I've been doing great," The Undertaker stated where he walked alongside you. His long silver hair hung down into his face, acting as a screen to the eyes that were underneath it. "I can see you've been doing good as well. You're looking a lot healthier than I last remembered you to be," Undertaker stated causing you to glance over to him alarmed.

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