16. Where Is He?

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Next day

When Izuku wiped out Orion's army of monsters, he started walking towards Orion's castle. On his way, he found himself a cave where he took short nap to rest before his next fight. Now in cave when he woke up.

„Well, that was nice nap. I needed it after absorbing all that power from yesterday."

Izuku yawned and got up, suiting himself up again.

„Now then, Orion is supposed to be lord with dual powers. He should be able to bend other living beings to his will by simply looking at them and also power to gain random knowledge about anything and anyone by looking at it. He earned his spot as dark lord by simply possessing two powers, which is fairly rare. I remember Lucifer telling me that there is only about 10% chance of those send into Hell to have any kind of power and out of that group of 10%, chance for getting dual powers is barely 1%." Izuku sighed. „It really pains me to kill somebody so valuable, but I suppose it can't be helped."

Izuku said to himself when he walked out of cave.

3 hours later

Izuku was now standing in front of Orion's castle.

„Ugh, why do they always need so freaking massive castles? This is going to be such pain in the ass again

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„Ugh, why do they always need so freaking massive castles? This is going to be such pain in the ass again."

Izuku said annoyed when small spark of lightning flashed from him.

„I guess I should calm down. Let's just get over with this."

Izuku went inside castle, which to his suprise was empty. He couldn't sence even one living being.

„This is so strange, could it be that Orion's guards were also part of that army I wiped out yesterday? No, that can't be, Orion couldn't be that foolish to send his only defence there."

Izuku was silent, until it hit him.

„Wait, could it be that army yesterday was bait for me? Did he send those monsters so he would know if I was comming for him now. No, I can't jump into conclusions yet. I barely entered this place. I should look around some more before I take action."

Izuku started walking trough halls of castle. He was walking for several hours, but no matter what, there was nothing aside from him that could be concidered „alive".

Izuku sighed again. „It seems I was right. There is nobody besides me here. That bastard sure played me for a fool."

Izuku started walking back to gate. „If he isn't here, then there are only two places where he could go, Caera's castle. That is the only place where he could have gone."

Izuku walked out of castle.

„I was too careless. Well, he only knows that I was going after him, that is good for me. There is no time to waste now. I have to get to Orion and Caera ASAP, otherwise I can kiss my chance to find Sabrina goodbye. Do you have anything to say on the matter Satan?"

Izuku asked, however there wasn't any response awaiting him.

„Satan? Are you there?"

Once again, there was nothing but silence in Izuku's head. Izuku was now really worried.

„Come on, this is not funny. If this is about that question I asked you yesterday, then I apologize allright."

Still, there was nothing but dull silence, however Izuku remembered something.


„Hey Satan, I have a question."

„Ask away." Satan said.

„What exactly are you? If you are inside my head, then you clearly can't be alive, so what are you?"

Satan let out deep sigh. „Well you could say I am not real Satan. What I am is collection of memories that real Satan left withing Inferno energy. Something like ghost of past user of this power."

„I see, but does that mean you will also disappear one day?" Izuku said with sad tone.

„Well, it's always possible, but even I don't know that for sure."

End flashback

„No no no no, this can't be right. Why now? Please, say something Satan. I know you are there!"

Once again, Izuku's words stayed without any respoonse.

„So this is it huh? You just left me all alone here, in middle of Hell." Izuku said with tear rolling down his cheek.

„Am I really alone?" Izuku looked down on ground, when he finally realized. „That's right. I am alone, there is nobody to break this silence."

Izuku started walking away from castle.

„I don't need anyone. I can take on this realm by myself if I have to." Twisted smile appeared on Izuku's face. „If nobody is here to watch, then I guess I can stop holding back. Better be ready Orion and Caera, your worst nightmare is comming for you." Izuku said with ruthless voice and started walking further towards his next destination.


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