39. Sins Of Parents

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In the dark of night, ex no.1 hero Toshinori Yagi aka AllMight and ex no.17 heroine Inko Yagi aka Emetic were watching a movie in their bedroom.

„It's almost a year since we had to retire. It's kinda strange how quickly can time fly by, don't you think?" Inko asked her husband.

„Yeah." Toshinori said, his voice had hint of sadness.

„What's wrong honey." Inko asked with concerned voice.

Toshinori sighed. „It's going to be six years soon." He said.

Inko looked down in shame. „You're right, it's hard to believe we didn't see him for that long." She said, grief filled in her voice.

„I can't help but think that it was a mistake to help Izumi with her plan to make him give up. No, it was totally a mistake, but I was too stupid and blind to see how terrible my actions were before it was too late." Toshinori said with his head hanged down in shame.

„Yes, that goes for me aswell."

„I should have believed in him, maybe if I gave One for All to him instead of Izumi, he still might have been here with us."

„We will never know." Inko said, tear rolling down her cheek.

„Maybe, but I do know one thing. And that is that I am surely going to hell for this." He said.

There was silence between them, but soon it was interrupted by evil laughter.

„I can arrange that for you, Toshinori Yagi." Voice said, echoing trough their room from all sides.

Suddenly, their bedroom started to grow bigger, as their furniture disappeared and walls started to shake.

„What's going on?" Inko asked in confusion.

„There is pretty simple answer to that, Inko Yagi."

Toshinori and Inko turned around in direction of the voice. Both of their eyes widened when they saw who was standing there.

„Izuku?" Both of them said quietly in unison.

„You still remember me? How touching." Izuku said with fake happy voice, but he was struggling on the inside. Inside he was beyond furious, now that he heard his parent's stupid excuse for his torment. But what enraged him more was fact that it was apparently Izumi who came up with it. He will definately remember this for rest of this night.

Toshinori and Inko were looking at him. It was hard to believe that their son finally came back. Tears of joy started running down Inko's cheeks and she ran towards Izuku, spreading her arms to hug him. But Izuku wasn't having any of it and quickly appeared behind Inko, grabbing her by her hair, making her scream and then thrown her at Toshinori.

„Izuku?" Inko muttered in shock of her son's actions.

„What's wrong? Were you seriously expecting I will just let you touch me just becouse I came back?" Izuku asked, his voice filled with venom.

„Izuku listen, we are sorry for what we've done. What we did-" Toshinori tried to speak, but he was cut off quickly.

„Save it old man, I didn't come here tonight to hear your sorry excuses." Izuku said as he started approaching them.

„Then why did you return?" Inko asked, slightly worried.

Izuku's eyes started glowing abit brighter red colour. „I came here for my revenge of course." He said with twisted smile.

Their eyes widened in shock.

„W-wait Izuku, we can-" Toshinori tried to speak again, but Izuku quicly got in front of him and grabbed his tongue.

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