32. Truth

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„Allright, that would be enought... my boy."

The moment Izuku heard it, his smirk disappeared instantly and was replaced with empty gaze. He was in shock and he had 2 reasons. First was that he couldn't sence whoever it was that just spoken.

His second reason however was even worse. He knew that voice, he knew it all too well.

„Your majesty, I am s-"

Before Ekyrt could utter another word, Izuku pierced his skull with his knife.

„You never let anything distract you, do you my boy."

Izuku slowly got up and turned around to see who was really speaking to him.

There he saw him, sitting on fallen stone pillar. An older man, somewhere around his fifties. His hair, long, black and messy, just like his beard. And then his black eyes with red eyelids.

„Izuku, what is going on here?" Sabrina asked nervously

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„Izuku, what is going on here?" Sabrina asked nervously.

Izuku took few steps closer, passing Sabrina by.

„I am giving you 1 minute to explain yourself before I will get to you, smash your skull into thousand pieces and scatter them all over Hell." Izuku said, his voice filled with venom and anger.

Black haired man only smirked. „I don't see any reason in explaining since you clearly figured me out my boy."

„So it really is you Hades, or should I say Satan. Which one do you prefer?" Izuku said with serious tone.

Sabrina on the other hand was in absolute confusion and shock from what she was hearing right now. Hades on the other hand just laughted.

„I didn't expect anything less from you. You were always very perceptive. Oh and Satan will be probably easier for us, wouldn't you agree my boy."

„So it really is you huh." Izuku said as he tightly grabbed his sword.

„Now now, no need for hostility here. Especially when I came here to talk with you my boy. Of course, I won't mind answering some of your questions that you probably have." Satan said.

Izuku slightly loosen his grip. „Fine then, you could start with how in the god's name are you still alive."

„Straight to the interesting part I see." Satan chuckled. „Well, this will be a little longer story, but I'll try to keep it short."

„In the end of great war 500 years ago, in my conquest to conquer all 3 realms I fought with god Atorh. We fought for many days without stopping, none of us willing to give in to our exhaustion, but in the end I came out victorious, tho I was in extremely poor shape. Of course, that wouldn't be all too much trouble for me normally, however it turned out I made fatal miscalculation in my plans."

„The moment I absorbed his powers, my body got torn apart by it. Apparently, demon with devine powers shouldn't exist by rules of this world, thus resulting in my death. Once that happened, I expected to be send into the abyss, but that's not what happened. Instead, I met supreme god Kronus. As I understood, he is creator of everything, as well as judge, jury and executioner for all living souls."

„As I said, I expected to be send into the abyss, howerver, Kronus told me something differend. It turned out that it's not only human race that gets a second chance in life, demons like me that were already born like this have second chance too. However, Kronus didn't like the idea of sending me back and continue war that wounded so deeply his perfectly created world, so he took my power away from me, well most of it."

„Wait, how come I have Inferno energy in first place if you never lost it then?" Izuku asked.

„Well you see, in a moment of my death, Inferno energy I possesed at that time somehow merged with Atorh's powers, thus creating power you posses now, while I kept original. Tho I have no idea how it got passed on to you. You could say your power is somewhat of 2nd generation of Inferno energy."

„Anyways, back to my story. I was stripped of most of my power, I was so weak even Turar could beat me. Kronus then send me to Obsidian plains. I was basically in middle of nest of most dangerous monsters that Hell has to offer. It took everything out of me to survive, but all of that changed when I killed first monster. It was Murat, not really powerful one, but thanks to Inferno energy, I could finally power up abit and started regaining my powers back."

„Before I knew it, 4 years have passed since my „death" and Lucifer took over the throne. I figured that it would be easier to let all that stuff to him while I will regain my powers back. And that is how we got to the point almost 2 years ago."

„I finally gained back power I once held, no, I even managed to surpass it. Everything now fell into place and I could finish what I started all those centuries ago."

„So you want to start a war again?" Izuku asked.

„In a way, yes."

„Then why didn't you do it?"

„Becouse if I started now, it would just ended up like before. My power can't absorb devine power at god's scale, so I would die again and this time forever. That's when you came into picture."

„Why did you want me?" Izuku asked, tightening his grip abit.

„Simple reason really. I need your version of Inferno energy. As I said before, if I tried to kill god again, it will kill me too, but your energy can absorb it. That's why I need you."

„Why didn't you just track me down before. Why did you let me kill other dark lords then?"

„I will answer that question only if you hear me out about something else first." Satan stood up and walked abit closer to Izuku, who nodded to him. „Very well, I believe it's my turn to ask questions now, but I have only one for you my boy."

„Will you join me?"


Allright, I have 2 endings here and I can't decide which one I should use, so I am giving this choice to you guys. (this is no longer valid)

1. Generic, I refuse everything I desire becouse I am good guy and have Izuku fight Satan.


2. Izuku will join Satan and conquer Heaven, get even more powerful, have everything he desires and have happy end.

(Izuku is gonna make his family suffer in both options, so this doesn't really matter now.)


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