13. Reunited

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„So, I guess I have a lot to explain right now." Izuku said, still facing Ariana, who was still in shock from what she just witnessed.

Izuku noticed it and put on gentle smile, hoping to calm poor woman abit. It seemed to him that worked and he calmly approached her and bowed his head.

„I apologize if I scared you before ma'am. My name is Izuku and I am here on your real husband's behalf with order to bring you to Netherworld to him." Izuku said with calm voice.

„Wait, you know where my husband is?" Ariana said with shocked tone.

„Of course, it was him who send me here. Come with me and I will explain everything on the way."

Ariana was looking at him in disbelief, but she gave her answer. „Very well."

1 hour later

Izuku and Ariana were walking trough corridors while Izuku was explaining basics of the situation Lucifer and rest of Hell is right now. At first, Ariana thought that Izuku was just crazy, but her doubts were erased once he shown her red lightning. However now, Izuku picked up strange energy near.

„This is weird. I felt this kind of energy only once. It was at Darius' castle when I was leaving. I ingnored it back then, but it might me better to check what it is since I don't know when this can happen again." Izuku thought.

„Is something wrong?" Ariana said with concerned voice.

„No, I just feel strange energy around. I should investigate what it is. Please, stay close ma'am."

Ariana simply nodded. Izuku then followed his instincts that led him to certain doors. Izuku slowly opened door and looked inside, just to see an empty room with clean stone ground that he already saw once before.

„So it was teleportation point that gave me that weird vibe. I should have guessed that." Izuku quietly said to himself, almost laughting.

„Is something funny here?" Ariana said.

„No, not at all. You are already familiar with this room, correct."

„Honestly, no. I rarely visit this castle, so I don't know what this room is."

„I see. In short, this room can take us to Netherworld. So, are you ready to see your real husband?"

Ariana didn't say anything and simply nodded.

„Very well."

Izuku said as red seal appeared on ground.

„After you ma'am."

Ariana was abit nervous, but she eventually stepped in and disappeared.

„Well, can't lose Lucifer's wife now, can I." Izuku thought and also stepped into seal.

In Netherworld

Ariana was looking around green plains confused when Izuku finally appeared.

„Well this is weird. I would guess that this seal would take us somewhere else, but it's like the place I first left from." Izuku thought abit confused.

„Can you tell me where Lucifer is now?" Ariana said with suspicion.

„If we are where I think we are, he should be somewhere around. The only question is, where could he b-"

Before Izuku had chance to finish his sentence, familiar voice cut im off.

„Izuku, my boy. Welcome back."

Izuku looked behind him to see Lucifer, who looked pretty tired.

„Thanks Lucifer, but I am not sure I am the one you should have your attention." Izuku said, pointing behind him.

Lucifer looked confused behind Izuku, however his eyes became wide open when he noticed Ariana.

„A-Ariana, is that you?" Lucifer said while approaching her with tears in eyes.

„Yes, it's me dear."

In moment that Ariana said that, Lucifer quickly and tightly hugged her.

„I am so glad, I thought that I lost you forever." Lucifer said with low tone.

„It's allright, I am fine and safe, thanks to your Hell Walker."

Lucifer broke hug with confused face.

„Wait, who is Hell Walker?"

„A lot has happened since I went to Hell Lucifer. Don't worry, I will fill you in on everything." Izuku said.

„Allright, tell me absolutely everything." Lucifer said with serious face.

Time skip 2 hours

Izuku spend last 2 hours telling Lucifer everything that happened in Hell, since he got there up to point where he killed Jester and everything that he learned. Even Ariana was impressed, despite the fact that Izuku told her parts of that time. It turnedout not even Lucifer heard about this person called Hades.

„Well, I am really proud of you kid. You sure made a lot of progress."

„Thanks Lucifer. But can you tell me now how we got back here?"

„What are you talking about?" Lucifer said.

„You know. How did seal in Jester's castle got us back here?"

„Oh wait, I get it. You think this is same place where we trained last time?"

„It isn't?"

„No, this place is just awfully similar. Place where we trained was an island in Caribbean."

„So where are we now?"

„South Europe."

„Well, that is suprise."

„So, are you going back or do you want to train some more here?"

„I will stay for abit here. Having monsters for target practise is nice, but it's hard to concentrate that way."

„Well, you should use every opportunity you get."

„Damn right I should." Izuku said with smile.

3 weeks later

Izuku spend next few weeks by training mainly his Hellflame, over which he gained great deal of control now. It couldn't be called mastery, but it sure was close and above all, it wasn't now dangerous for Izuku to use it. Izuku also learned how to use Jester's copy ability, however he did it only for sake of knowing and didn't really felt like he will use it. Aside from training, Lucifer looked a lot happier with Ariana now. Lucifer also told Ariana Izuku's lifestory in secret, which made her feel pity for poor boy.

„Well Lucifer, Ariana, I think I should go back and resume my mission."

„If you say so, go for it." Lucifer said confidently.

„Just be careful and come back safely."

„Of course Ariana. Well, I guess this is goodbye for now."

„Bye kid, don't you dare let yourself get killed."

Izuku chuckled as Ariana hit Lucifer to back of his head, which made him now laught.

„Bye Izuku, and please, bring us our Sabrina back."

„Of course, you can count on me."

Izuku then approached stone ground and made seal appear again.

„Goodbye, next time I will see you two, it will be with your daughter." Izuku said while waving until he disappeared in seal.


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