1. Origin

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„It is interesting how humans see their world. They blindly believe that their world is the only one where you can find good and evil at the same time, but that's not true. Humans will never understand that you can find kindness and beauty in hell the same way you can find rottenness and evil in the heavens above."

Those were words of Satan, the invincible ruler of hell that disappeared 500 years ago after last war between 3 realms „Heaven", „Hell" and „Netherworld". Since then all realms continued to live peacefully. Now all those centuries later Netherworld and it's people forgot about that war and things like gods or hell became only silly imaginations, but they also gained unnatural powers called quirks, which also led to new profession of heroes. Nowadays about 95% of population has some quirk, but those remaining 5% are heavily discriminated and treated more like trash than people.

One young man bearing name Izuku Yagi sadly belonged to that group of 5%. Since Izuku was born, he wasn't threated equally with others like his twin sister Izumi. He could always see that his parents Toshinory Yagi and Inko liked Izumi more. However since he was diagnosed quirkless, his parents also started abusing him. Even worse was that he was bullied since then by everybody, including his sister and her friends Katsuki and Katsumi Bakugo. 

Despite misery of his life, Izuku still wanted to be hero, even without any quirk, but becouse of his desire, Izuku was always getting beaten up and was insulted by other people. Eventho everybody was telling Izuku to give up on his dream, his mind was made up, but pain he was receiving was still there. This pain led to anger and anger led to hatered, which was piling up and after years made him almost forget feelings of love and kindness and dragged him into even deeper darkness.

When Izuku was 15 years old, even with his heart plagued with hatered for everyone around him, he still wanted to be hero. After all those years, Izuku was still bullied and almost every day returned home seriously injured, but nobody cared about that and sometimes his parents also gave him some extra injuries. Now in his school when Izuku was sitting in his class and looking outside of window while teacher was talking.

„Allright, as 3rd year students you should start thinking about your future. I could give you some carrer aptitude tests."

Teacher looked at class and thrown all papers in the air.

„But why bother, you all want to be heroes."

Whole class started cheering and showing their quirks until Katsuki spoke.

„Hey teach, don't put me into same category with these rejects. These guys will be lucky if they end up as sidekicks. Me and my sister are only real deals here."

„Hmm, you've got impressive scores, maybe you could get into U.A."

When teacher said it, whole class started whispering about how getting in is impossible. Teacher looked at papers abit longer and suddenly started laughting.

„Hahaha, wait, Izuku Yagi is trying to get into U.A. too!"

In that moment whole class started laughting and insulting Izuku like he was used to, until Katsuki smashed his hand on Izuku's desk, without getting any reaction from Izuku.

„DEKU! Do you seriously think quirkless nobody like you can get into U.A. when they can have me!"

Izuku was getting angry abit, but faked ignorance towards Bakugo.


Bakugo then grabbed Izuku by his collar, which made Izuku really angry and when they were face to face, Izuku heard deep voice in his head yelling at him. „FIGHT BACK!" In that moment, Izuku felt his burning hatered that he was keeping inside, but it felt differend. This wasn't that feeling of resentment he normaly had towards Bakugo, it was pure rage. Izuku closed his eyes as he felt his powerful hatered fueling him, before he opened them again to show everyone that his eyes changed from his normal emerald green to shining red without realizing it.

 Izuku closed his eyes as he felt his powerful hatered fueling him, before he opened them again to show everyone that his eyes changed from his normal emerald green to shining red without realizing it

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Bakugo and everyone else was shocked by Izuku's eyes, however Bakugo still held Izuku by his collar.

„You should've not messed with me Kacchan." Izuku said with calm and cold voice.

Bakugo looked at him angrily, but Izuku was unfaced by him and in one moment, Izuku felt like his whole body is telling him to tear Bakugo apart. Izuku was hesitant, but he gave in to his hatered and in split of second buried his left fist into Bakugo's face, sending him flying into wall.

Everyone looked at Izuku with terrified faces while Katsumi and Izumi runned up to Bakugo with worryed faces while Izuku just stared on his left hand.

„Did I just do that?" Izuku whispered with confused tone to himself.

Izuku still felt his hatered inside and even more, now that hatered felt like real power to him. Every muscle was telling him to destroy everything and let nothing standing. However Izuku knew this wasn't path of hero and as such, he pushed those thoughts aside, but he couldn't deny that power he just had was something to be desired.

3 hours later

Izuku had quite luck after his outburst. Everyone was so scared of him that teacher couldn't even send him to principal's office, which was quite convinient for him. Izuku finally got out of school, but he was still thinking about the power he felt before punching Bakugo. He was amazed and confused about how could he deliver so strong punch without any quirk, but his thinking was soon interrupted under bridge to his home.

„Hey kid, you won't mind being my meat shield right?" Said sludge mass  that suddenly appeared next to him with ironic tone.

Izuku snapped out of his thoughts, but before he could do anything, sludge mass enveloped around struggling boy, slowly suffocating him.

„Is this supposed to be my end!? Am I going to die like this!? No it can't be! Please somebody, help me!" Izuku thought as his eyes turned red again. „Nobody will help me. I am dying alone, will even somebody care?"

Izuku suddenly heard deep voice from before. „Come on kid, you are better than this."

Those words awakened Izuku's desire for survival and brought on surface his dreams as his life flashed before his eyes. He saw everything, the pain he was put trough becouse he was powerless, the scars he got and his hatered for everyone who was responsible for that, which made Izuku see everything clearly. 

„I want to be hero. What a stupid joke, like I have any obligation to help these trashy people." Izuku thought as his hatered consumed him inside and red lightnings started to flash out of his body.

In that moment Izuku felt power uncomparable to anything he ever knew, but like before he heard deep voice talking to him. „You feel it, good. NOW DESTROY HIM!"

As Izuku heard those words, his body again felt like it was screaming at him to unleash his power. Izuku's eyes and lightnings around him shined in even brighter shade of red as Izuku listened to his body and to his suprise slowly incinerated sludge villain into nothingness.

„What is this power? It's unbelievable." Izuku said with suprised tone before he hear somebody behind him.

„I can tell you what that power is young man, if you want that is."

Izuku turned around to see who talked to him.


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