36. Aftermath

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3 weeks later

It has been some time since Izuku defeated Satan. Alot of things has happened since then.

First he had to announce his ascension to the throne. It was rather difficult to get people's trust when you are just a teenager, which Izuku could understand. He wasn't honestly expecting that people will acknowledge him right away. He was very well aware that gaining trust of his people will be project that will take atleast few years to achieve, but he was really looking forward to this challange, especially since he didn't have to worry about fighting anymore.

Second thing was hearing out about what happened during those 2 months that he slept trough. From what he understood, after he lost contiousness, Sabrina stayed with him for 2 day, waiting for him to wake up, but she started to get worried when he wasn't waking up like normally, so she dragged him for 2 days until she got him to near village.

She apparently told them that they got attacked by monsters and that Izuku passed out and wouldn't wake up. One of villagers let him stay at his home and Sabrina set out on journey back to Mortan's castle to get in contact with her parents. She then explained everything, or atleast what she understood to Lucifer. They returned to Hell together and then got Izuku to Darius' castle and took care of him ever since.

Third thing was about his powers, since he absorbed Satan's power, he became basically invincible now. Tho he didn't let it get into his head. This was real problem for him, since he now had power and abilities worth half of millenia, this ment alot of learning and training. Even in just those 3 weeks, Izuku didn't feel all that much progress, but that was to be expected. He knew that it will take some time before he will learn how to wield his new powers properly. What he could do just after 3 weeks wasn't anything inpressive in his eyes, but that excited him. He was very much looking forward to seing how powerful he truly is.

Lastly, he had to visit current god Mithras and clarify with him that neither of them desired another war to break out. Thankfully, Mithras wasn't foolish and just as Izuku, he desired to keep peace between realms. It turned out that they got along pretty well, which was good sighn in Izuku's opinion. Not becouse he wanted to submit to him or anything like that, he was simply glad that he didn't have to worry about problems of Heaven and focus only on his work in Hell.

Izuku also got a new sword for himself, since he snapped a sword he got from Satan.

Izuku also got a new sword for himself, since he snapped a sword he got from Satan

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Now let's see how Izuku is doing after his training session with Lucifer.

„You've definately improved when it comes to raw power, but we will really need to work on application of that power." Lucifer said.

„Yeah, I agree. It will take some time before I will get used to this." Izuku said.

„Well, time is something you will have now plenty of."

„You are right about that." Izuku said with faint smile.

„Allright, we should go and get some rest now. We don't want girls to yell at us." Lucifer said.

„I second that. Let's go."

5 minutes later

Izuku and Lucifer returned back to their castle and then went their separate ways to their bedrooms.

Izuku noticed that Sabrina was already sleeping in bed, so he tried to be as silent as possible and carefully crawled into bed. Just when he thought he pulled it off, he heard a voice.

„Izuku, you're late."

Izuku chuckled at his predicament and turned at Sabrina, that was staring daggers at him.

„I am sorry my love, I got caught up in training and lost track of time."

„Is that so?" Sabrina said with sceptical voice.

„Yes it is." Izuku said.

„Allright then." Sabrina said and jumped on top of him. „But now it's time to cuddle." She said as all the malice disappeared and wrapped herself around Izuku.

Izuku chuckled abit. „What am I? A teddy bear?" He teased.

„Better, you are MY teddy bear." She said with her face just few inches from Izuku's.

Izuku gave her quick peck on lips. „You can bet on that." He said and wrapped his arms around Sabrina's hips.

„You must be tired from today. Let's go to sleep." She said as she rested her head on Izuku's chest. „Good night darling." Sabrina said yawning.

„Yeah, good night my love."

With that, both of them fell asleep.

Izuku now became true Dark King, a demon that will not bow down before anybody, an eternal ruler of all that is evil and wicked.

But just before he closed his eyes, one last thought crossed his mind. He was now finally done with all dangers that could arise. He was now the one in charge of Hell and Heaven didn't pose a threat, therefore only thing that he needed to focus on now was getting stronger.

But then, one sentence popped in his mind and it was the same one that will haunt him for next years that will come.

„No pretty words or gesture can erase that pain that's inside of your chest. If you want to be free, you have to face your past."


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