42. Final Punishment

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Izumi could see only black. Darkness everywhere with nothing to see.

„What is this?" Izumi suddenly remembered what her brother did. „I-is this the a-afterlife?" Izumi stuttered in panic.

Then, she could hear voice, strict but calm.

„A lot of innocent blood has been spilled becouse of you. You shall repent for your sins in Hell as divine order commands."

„H-hell, no please. I can't!" Izumi screamed.

Izumi suddenly felt strange heat around her, but it was only for a second before it disappeared again. She then realized something. Until now, she didn't feel her body, but she could now.

She then started hearing another voices yelling her name. „IZUMI! IZUMI! IZUMI!" They kept repeating.

Izumi felt control over her body and weakly opened up her eyes to see who was calling her out. It were all members of her family. Katsuki, Katsumi and Mitsuki on her left side and Toshinori with Inko on her right side.

Izumi looked around to see where they were. It was plain room with brick walls and bars. She tried to get up, but she got pulled back by something. It was metal collar that was chaining her to the wall.

„Where are we?" Izumi asked, looking at her parents.

„We don't know sweetie. But we need to find a way out." Inko said.

Ruthless laughter was heard by them all. „I want to see you try."

Everyone's eyes widened when they recognized that voice.

Izuku stepped from behind of the corner behind the bars with evil grin.

„Well would you look at that. It seems all of you are finally awake." He said cheerfully.

Fear was eminent on all of their faces.

„I-Izuku, where did you t-take us?" Izumi stuttered.

„Oh, I should probably tell you right. Very well then." Izuku said and stepped trough doors to the cell.

„Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Hell." Izuku said with delighted voice.

„HELL!?" Everyone ex Izumi and Inko yelled.

„Yes indeed. I will admit it was real pain in the ass to find you all and get you here into my torture chamber." Izuku said. „But I guess it was worth the effort, I mean I can't have garbage like you laing around my kingdom right?" Izuku said and chuckled.

„What do you mean, your kingdom?" Katsumi asked.

„I feel like I need to reintroduce myself." Izuku said and fake coughted into his fist. „My name is Izuku Midoriya, the dark king of Hell. But you can also call me, Devil." Izuku said in casual manner.

„DEVIL?" Everyone screamed.

„But how?" Inko asked silently.

„When?" Toshinori asked in disbelief.

„Well, I will keep the story short. Basically, I was found by previous dark king Lucifer 6 years ago after I awakened my powers. He then trained me and I ended up conquering entire Hell few months after my training was finished and became new king. And that's about it." Izuku said.

Everyone was absolutely shocked by what they just heard. Izuku had powers? Old king of hell found him? He conquered entire Hell? None of this was easy for them to precess.

Izuku then walked in front of Izumi. „I told you didn't I? Devil will be waiting for you in the afterlife and guess what. He is standing right in front of you."


Izuku looked at him with ‚are you stupid' face. „Isn't that enought? Did you fucking left part of your brain in Netherworld or something? OF COURSE IT ISN'T ENOUGHT! Do you really think a mere death can compensate for 15 years of suffering?" Izuku approached Katsuki. „I don't want to kill you. What I want is to see you broken. I want to see you on your knees, begging me for merciful release of death after the most horrifying and cruelest tortures my twisted mind can come up with. THAT'S WHEN IT WILL BE ENOUGHT FOR ME!" Izuku yelled into Katsuki's face.

Everyone was now shaking after hearing what Izuku's intentions were. Inko however also noticed moving shadow behind the bars.

„IS SOMEBODY THERE! PLEASE, HELP US!" Inko desperately shouted.

But there was nothing but silence.

„It's fine, you can come." Izuku said.

From the corner, a beautiful young woman with dark purple hair and ruby red eyes stepped into the cell.

Toshi tried to reach his hand to her, but she stepped on his hand with her heels, making him shriek from pain. Everyone was getting chills from this mysterious woman now.

„Worthless insect like you should know not to touch me." She said and kicked Toshi into face and casually walked to Izuku.

„Nice move there dear." Izuku complimented his wife.

Sabrina giggled. „I am glad you liked it darling." She said, wrapping her hands around Izuku's neck and giving him quick peck on his lips.

„Would you like to introduce yourself?" Izuku asked.

„Gladly." She said and looked at everyone. „Hello there, my name is Sabrina Midoriya and I am dark queen of Hell. I also happen to be Izuku's wife." She said with cheerful smile as she showed her wedding ring.

" She said with cheerful smile as she showed her wedding ring

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Everyone was now genuinely scared. Whoever this woman was, she was totally dangerous if she was Izuku's wife.

„By the way, sorry I interrupted your fun here. I just couldn't resist after watching that whole murder show you put outhere." Sabrina said to Izuku.

„Y-you were watching?" Mitsuki asked.

„Well of course, I mean I was the one who wanted him to finally get his revenge. I wasn't the only one tho. God was also watching and man, he brought us some tasty popcorn too. I need to ask him where he got it next time I see him."

„Allright, slow down there honey." Izuku said.

„Oupsie, anyways, I will go and let you have your fun now." Sabrina said and started walking to the door.

„Actually, just wait for a minute. I am honestly feeling abit generous today, so I will let you guys alone for today. But don't worry, I will be visiting again from tomorrow, so better be prepared." Izuku said as he started walking towards the door too.

„Just so you know, ordinary demons live around 150 years. I just want you to know how many years of torment are awaiting you."

Izuku and Sabrina then left the cell. Everyone had their heads down, their minds plagued with images of what tortures will be awaiting them. However, Izumi had a differend thought on her mind.

„What have I done." 


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