25. Decision

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Time skip 2 weeks

After weeks of training, Izuku managed to get Mortan's skills to battle ready stage. It's still not mastery, but he is capable of using them for serious combat. Aside from that, he managed to finally master Hellflame.

„Lucifer, I think I am ready to continue my mission." Izuku said.

Lucifer looked at him with raised eyebrow. „Are you sure?"

„Yes, I had enought training now. There is still realm I need to help."

„Well, I can't argue with you on that one. But there is one thing you need to decide."

„What is it?" Izuku asked with confused look.

Lucifer pointed at Sabrina. „Are you taking her with you?"

Izuku looked at Sabrina. He realized that this would happen, but he was still uncertain. Mainly becouse of nightmare he had when he met dark champion. Eventho he was pretty certain that nightmare was lie, it couldn't help but making him anxious since what he saw could always come true and was what terrified him most.

Sabrina noticed Izuku's worried expression. „What are you talking about. Of course I am going with him." She said and hugged Izuku's arm.

„Are you sure about it?" Izuku said.

„Of course. There is no way I am letting you leave me. Have I made myself perfectly clear?" She said with slightly demanding voice.

Izuku sighed. „Allright."

Lucifer chuckled. „Well look at that. Probably most powerful man in all 3 realms is scared of woman."

Suddenly, they could sence murderous aura from behind him.

„Dear, care to elaborate on that?" Ariana said with very discomforting smile.

Lucifer started backing off. „Calm down dear. That was just a joke, joke. No need to work up yourself." He said with nervous chuckle.

„Izuku, Sabrina, can you give us some privacy please." Ariana said with even more murderous aura comming from her.

„Allright." They said in unison and went back to their room.

„Man, these are moments when I remember that Ariana was queen of Hell for reason." Izuku said.

Sabrina giggled. „Let's hope dad will survive." She said and looked at Izuku. „Now then, why didn't you want to take me with you?"

Izuku got suprised by this statement. „What are you talking about?" He said looking away.

„Izuku, don't try lying to me. You are not good at it." She said and put her hands on Izuku's face to make him look at her. „I am not stupid. I know that you are hiding something from me, so please, tell me so I can help you."

Izuku grabbed Sabrina's hand, still on his face. „Becouse..."

„Becouse what?"

„Becouse I was... scared." Izuku admitted with broken expression. „All I can think about is how can I protect you. Since that day we returned here, I couldn't think about anything else than how to make sure you will be safe from harm." Izuku's grip on her hand tightened and small tear rolled down his cheek. „I don't want... no I can't lose you." Izuku tightly hugged Sabrina. „You are only thing standing between me and insanity and I am so terrified of what would happen if you disappeared from my life." Izuku started to cry. „I am so terrified. Terrified of what I would do without you, what I would turn into."

Sabrina hugged Izuku back. „Izuku, look at me."

Izuku backed away abit to look at Sabrina, having gentle smile on her face.

„Listen to me Izuku. I know that I will be in danger, but if you really want to protect me, then why wouldn't you let me go with you? I know you are worried about me, but do you think leaving me behind would keep me safe? If you really want me to be safe, then you will let me stand by your side, becouse I am not planning to go anywhere else. Have I made myself perfectly clear?" Sabrina said with slightly demanding tone.

Small smile appeared on Izuku's face. „You really never give me any space for argument, do you?" He said and let out small chuckle.

„That's right mister. I am not letting you have all the fun to yourself." She said with divilish smirk.

„I can think of differend kind of fun we can have." He said with sly smirk.

Sabrina giggled. „Listen to the funny you." She put her hand oh his chest. „We will keep that to some other time."

„As you wish."

„We should go check on my parents." Sabrina suggested.

„Good idea."

Izuku and Sabrina walked out of their room and saw Lucifer and Ariana sitting at table. However, Lucifer was shaking and sweating alot.

„Is everything fine Lucifer?" Izuku asked.

„Well..." Lucifer was about to say something when he noticed Ariana's death glare. „Y-yes, everything is fine." He said and nervously chuckled.

„And how about you two?" Ariana asked.

„Well, we decided that we will go back to Hell together." Sabrina said.

„Allright then. But you aren't leaving right now, do you." Ariana said.

„Actually, that is kinda what we wanted to do." Izuku said, rubbing back of his head.

„Oh, I see. Then what are you still doing here?" Ariana said.

„We kinda need Lucifer to go." Izuku said.

„Yeah, let's go then." Lucifer said with slightly scared voice.

„Right." Izuku and Sabrina said in unison.

„Goodbye Ariana."

„Bye mom."

„Make sure you come back kids." Ariana said.

They both nodded as Lucifer teleported them back to forest.

„Well, this is goodbye to you aswell Lucifer. See ya soon."

„Bye dad."

„Bye you two. Izuku, make sure you are both comming back." Lucifer said.

„Of course. Next time we will see eachother, I will show you Hades' head." Izuku said with mischievous smirk.

Lucifer laughted. „I am looking forward to that. Now go already."

„Yeah, bye." Izuku and Sabrina said, teleporting back to Hell.


So yeah, it took me quite awhile to update. I apologize in advance, it's just that I kinda don't have same motivation I used to have. But worry not, I will still finish this story, I just won't update as much as I used to. Sorry again.


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