7. Tivarn

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4 hours later

After hours of walking, Izuku finally arrived to town of Tivarn. On his way there, he encountered only two Murats, which he defeated with ease. Now when he finally got trough town gate.

„So this is how resident areas look like here. Not too shaby. Everybody here looks so peaceful, eventho they are in Hell, they all look so cheerful." Izuku though with gentle smile. „I should ask somebody if they know some place where I could rest."

Izuku approached a random man that was near.

„Hello sir. Can you tell me if there is some place to rest in this town?"

„Hello young man, there is an inn here. Just go three more streets that way and turn to right. You will find it there."

„Thank you sir."

„No problem. I never saw you around here. Are you new?"

„Yeah, I am here just few days."

„I see, well, welcome to Hell."

„Thank you again. I will get going."

Izuku bowed his head and went in direction he was pointed to. After few minutes, he finally found inn he was told about and went inside. Once there, he saw elder man with brown eyes and long, red hair.

„Hello young man, do you wish to stay here today."

„Yes, they told me to go here if I want to stay for abit in town. You do have some free rooms right?"

„Of course, give me a moment." Elder man than looked under his desk and took out a key. „Here, you can go." Man said and gave key to Izuku.

„Thank you. Can I ask a bit personal question please?"

„Go ahead."

„I was just wondering. Why are you working since there isn't any point in making money here."

„I presume they told you how it works between realms."


„So Lucifer, how exactly will person get into Hell and Heaven?"

„About that, I am sure you already know about all those religious things like who was evil goes to Hell and good people to Heaven right?"

„So it really works like that?"

„Pretty much. I will tell you how exactly it is. At first there is person that is born in Netherworld. There that person lives for some time until he finally dies one day. Once they die, the choices they made in life will either send them into Hell or Heaven. If they go into Heaven, they can either live there forever, or they can be reincarnated."

„So what is role of Hell in this circle?"

„Hell is something like second chance. If person gets here, they can live another life with their memories and try to get into Heaven. If they succeed, they go into Heaven where I already explained what happens, or they can also choose to stay here. However if they fail, their soul will be send into Abyss. That is place where nobody can get and those unfortunate souls are send there for eternal suffering."

End flashback

„Yes, I was told how it works sir."

„Well, after most of us discovered that we don't have much of a choice here, we decided that we will live peaceful lives and help one another. Some people just needed place to stay, so I build this place with few others and that goes for all of Hell. That is how this place worked for who knows how long. Sure, we don't need money, but there are still things that we need to do, like protection from monsters."

„I get it." Izuku simply said while thinking. „So this whole realm is build on the fact that people help eachother in order to get into Heaven. This place is even better than I thought."

„Anything else?"

„How long is it since you died?"

„Honestly, I don't really remember, but I would say around 15 years."

„I see, that is all, thank you for information sir." Izuku said with smile.

„No problem."

Izuku then walked upstairs and unlocked door to his room. He want inside, put his sword on ground and fell on bed.

„I am so wiped out." Izuku chuckled. „So I am really doing this, I am retaking this realm. Kinda crazy idea, but I am crazy person so it's not that bad. Now what to do next. Since I am here, I will stay for few days and try to collect some more info. Then I will go for dark lord Nervess. I should be able to get to his castle in 2 weeks if I won't get distracted on my way. Let's hope he won't be as stubborn as Darius." Izuku yawned. „I will think about that some more once I am rested."

Izuku closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In his dream

Izuku was in dark void.

„Hello, is anybody here!?"

Izuku was looking around confused until he heard somebody.

„Welcome Izuku, I was waiting for you."

Izuku turned around to see human-shaped shadow.

Izuku turned around to see human-shaped shadow

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„Who are you?"

„It is me, Satan. I want to talk with you my child."

„So it really is you. What do you want to talk about?"

„I need to talk about this with you until there is still hope for you boy, so listen well."

„What do you mean „hope"."

„I can feel that you harbour deep hatered inside your soul, am I correct?"

„Why does that matter?"

„Becouse that hatered inside of you isn't good for you. Trust me, I know that very well."

„Why? I need it to be strong Satan."

„That is where you are wrong boy. Hatered is powerful, but you can't rely on that only. I was watching you since you were born and saw every piece of your life."

„Does that mean you allowed me to use Inferno?"

„Not at all, it was you, who manifested it. But you overlooked one detail that led you wrong path."

„What do you mean by that."

„You think that it was your hatered that activated your power, but it wasn't. It was your desire that gave you what you wanted. Just remember what you did once you wanted to do something and then made it real. It wasn't power of hatered my boy, it was only you. If you won't get your emotions under control, you can destroy everything you want to protect. Don't repeat my mistakes and always remember, good king always finds a way to solve his problems. Don't let your past blind your future, otherwise your past will become your future. Goodbye Izuku."


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