24. More Power

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Next afternoon

After few hours of sleep, Izuku and Sabrina finally woke up. At first, Sabrina kept telling Izuku to stay in bed some more, but after some time she gave up becouse she knew how stubborn her new lover can be. After that, they got suprised by Lucifer and Ariana on becoming couple. It turned out that they were listening to everything. Now in the afternoon at Izuku's training spot.

„It's still the same like you remember it, right?" Lucifer asked.

„Yeah, it was some time since I had good training." Izuku said.

„Allright, you said you have abilities of Orion and Mortan. How good are you with those?"

„Well, I was able to use Orion's power pretty much right away. About Mortan, I didn't use it yet."

„If that's the case, then try use Mortan's power now."

Izuku noded and stepped back abit. He then focused for a while and thin dark aura surrounded him, but it vanished after few seconds.

Izuku sighed. „No good, there is too much light here. Mortan's power needs shadows and darkness to work properly." Izuku said with disappointed face.

Sabrina got abit sad when she saw Izuku with such face, but that gave her idea. „What about that forest you found us yesterday dad? I think that could be pretty good spot for Izuku to train."

Both Lucifer and Izuku turned at her with suprised faces.

„Was that a bad idea?" She asked worried.

Izuku came in front of her and gave her kiss on both cheeks.

„That's great idea. Thanks for suggesting that." He said with smile.

Sabrina blushed abit. „No problem."

„Can you take us there Lucifer?" Izuku asked.

„Sure kid. Let's go." Lucifer said.

Lucifer snapped his fingers and red seal appeared under them, transporting them into forest.

Izuku looked around.

„Yeah, there are barely any light spots. This place should do the trick." Izuku said with smirk.

„Allright, let's try this once again kid."


Izuku focused again. This time, he was enveloped in dark aura significantly faster and this time, it didn't disappear.

„Nice job kid. Can you keep it up?" Lucifer asked.

„Yeah, I am not getting tired at all to be honest." Izuku said, still enveloped in dark aura.

„Then why don't you try to do something with that power? I doubt that aura alone will do anything." Lucifer said.

„Yeah, I could try „phantom form". That should be good start." Izuku said.

Phantom form was one of Mortan's abilities that Izuku didn't got to see. From what he was told, this ability should make his body basically untouchable. Since Izuku had pretty good grasp on how it should work, he was able to use it after few minutes.

„Wow, this feels so weird." Izuku said.

Sabrina came closer and waved her hand trough his head.

„Allright, this feels really weird Sabrina."

„Yeah, how come?" She asked with curious expression.

„How do I put this, I just can't feel anything. Does that make sence?"

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