4. First Step

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Time skip 4 months

It has been few months since Lucifer found Izuku. After all that time Izuku now had good control over his powers and also learned alot of things about Hell from Lucifer. Aside from that, Izuku's character also went trough some changes. Lucifer even managed to help Izuku regain feelings like happyness that Izuku thought he lost long time ago. However those feelings weren't strong and still couldn't hold a candle compared to his other emotions like hatered, which was still filling Izuku's mind. Another change was that he also became quite ruthless, but in Lucifer's opinion, that was good thing.

„Well Izuku, you've held up well until now." Lucifer said with proud voice.

„Thank you Lucifer. So what now?"

„Since there is not much to work on your powers, I think it would be best to start teaching you swordsmanship."

„Wait, swordsmanship? You mean I will be fighting with swords too."

„Of course, your power is mighty, but there will be things only sharp blade can deal with. Like dark lords."

„I see, but where can I find sword to train with?"

„Already ahead of you kid."

Lucifer snapped fingers as sword appeared in front of him.

Lucifer snapped fingers as sword appeared in front of him

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„Here it is."

„That is one great sword. Is it really for me?"

„Yeah, this belonged to Satan. I found it at treasury back in the day. I think you should have it."

Izuku approached the sword. He slowly grabbed it and in that moment, blade got enveloped in red aura.

„This feeling, it's amazing."

„So you feel that power?"

„Yeah, but that's not all. I feel like that sword is part of my own body. I don't know how to describe it better."

„Good, I am sure Satan will tell you on his own about that. For now, we should start practice basics like swinging."

„Sure, I am ok with that."

Time skip 7 months

For next months, Lucifer trained Izuku to successfully master swordsmanship. Izuku also managed to perfectly control Inferno energy. Over that time Lucifer started to see Izuku like son and Izuku also came to like Lucifer, however his feelings always got distorted when he remembered his family. Izuku also learned many things about Hell, not only things like geography and history, but Lucifer also told him about himself, other dark lords and beasts living in Hell. Lucifer also asked Izuku for favour once he would get into Hell, which Izuku accepted. Satan also taught Izuku few tricks. One of them was summonning of armor that should help Izuku stay unrecognized in Hell.

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